Build statically linked app for mac
I am trying to follow the instructions here to build a statically linked app to distribute to my team members who do not have QT installed. (We are a golang shop). However; it is not working for me.
it says
cd /path/to/Qt ./configure -static <other parameters> make sub-src
I have QT installed in ~/Qt.
And if I go there I find a configure file in ~/Qt/5.12.7/src.
I can run ./configure -static.
I can't run make sub-src, that doesn't work but I can run just make. It takes a few hours to finish.
I then open my project in QT Creator and set the build to release, then run Qmake from qt creator.
I find a directory called build-appname-release in the same folder as source code. I can then go in there run
make clean make
and I have an executable. When I run
otool -L
I see
@rpath/QtWidgets.framework/Versions/5/QtWidgets (compatibility version 5.12.0, current version 5.12.7) @rpath/QtGui.framework/Versions/5/QtGui (compatibility version 5.12.0, current version 5.12.7) @rpath/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (compatibility version 5.12.0, current version 5.12.7)
I assume this mean's it is not statically linked and if I give this to my teammates it will not work. What am I doing wrong
TLDR: How can I produce a statically linked app from a simple QT project to distribute to my teammates who don't have QT installed. The current approach outlined in the docs don't seem to work.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
The most straightforward is to keep using your dynamic build of Qt and use macdeployqt to prepare your bundle for distribution.
The qmldir option is to point the tool to your qml sources, if you use any, so that the corresponding dependencies are also deployed.