SystemTrayIcon context menu doesn't want to hide - properly implemented Tray Icon
Has someone got properly implemented System Tray Icon in qml components?
There is a lack of information about it on forums. I almost got it, but I can't hide context Menu for that icon when user clicks away. However, showing menu works. Can you help me?
I tried both QSystemTrayIcon registered as QML component and SystemTrayIcon from Qt.labs.platform. Both don't work.I will post Labs solution because QSystemTrayIcon is almost the same code in qml:
import QtQuick 2.14 import Qt.labs.platform 1.1 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 Item { property var mainAppWindowRef; SystemTrayIcon { visible: true; icon.source: "qrc:/graphics/icon.ico"; onActivated: { if(reason === SystemTrayIcon.Context) { // trayMenu.popup(); } else { if(applicationWindow.visibility === Window.Hidden || applicationWindow.visibility === Window.Minimized) {; } else { applicationWindow.hide(); } } } menu: Menu { id: trayMenu; MenuItem { id: showGridMenuItem; text: qsTr("Show grid") checkable: true; onTriggered: { } } MenuItem { id: openWindowMenuItem; text: qsTr("Open window") onTriggered: { } } MenuSeparator { } MenuItem { id: exitMenuItem; text: qsTr("Exit") onTriggered: { systemTray.hide(); Qt.quit(); } } } } Connections { target: mainAppWindowRef; onClosing: { console.log("send to system tray...") close.accepted = false; applicationWindow.hide(); } } }
I also found a bug in reports looks like my problem: ~ "SystemTrayIcon"
However apps like Steam or Spotify (based on Qt) got properly working system tray icon. How did their menu work and mine not? -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What version of Qt are you using ?
On what OS ?
Can you provide a complete minimal compilable example that shows that behavior ? -
Hi, now I use Qt 5.14.1 MSVC 2017 x64 and I checked that Qt 5.12.0 MSVC 2017 x64 also doesn't work.
It's Windows 10.No problem, I got project on github you can try to run: -
Hi, I tried to follow this video, and the problem solved: