Video Widget load Video
Hi, everyone I was loading Video in my QVideoWidget but it didn't load the Video.
def load_video(self): filepath = 'F:/Fun/Songs/12.mp4' self.Video_Widget.load(filepath) # self.horizontalScrollBar.setMediaObject(self.Video_Widget.mediaObject())
@Osama_Billah can you show your error message.
another example : VideoPlayer
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@SGaist While Using the Detail Documentation the following error occur.
code is belowdef load_video(self): player = QMediaPlayer() playlist = QMediaPlaylist(player) playlist.addMedia(QUrl('F:/Fun/Songs/12.mp4')) player.setVideoOutput(self.Video_Widget) playlist.setCurrentIndex(1)
Are you using PyQt or PySide2 ?
Please show some patience and allow 24 hours before bumping your own thread. People answering here are volunteers and may not live in the same timezone as you.
As for your issue:
[edit: use fromLocalFile SGaist]
use this
playlist.addMedia(QUrl.fromLocalFile("F:/Fun/Songs/12.mp4")) ******
instead of this
playlist.addMedia(QUrl('F:/Fun/Songs/12.mp4'))****** check file name in single quotes also
@anil_arise The current issue is completely unrelated to quoting or QUrl creation although the use of fromLocalFile is indeed a good idea.
in C++ takes a QMediaContent object which is created thanks to implicit conversion from QUrl. Implicit conversion that does not happen here. -
@anil_arise first I use this method it crush. it show an error and the error is below. than I tried @SGaist given method. from that method it didn't crush but still don't disply the video
@SGaist @anil_arise thanks. problem Solved. complete code is below
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtWidgets class Ui_VideoWindow(object): def setupUi(self, MainWindow): MainWindow.setObjectName("MainWindow") MainWindow.resize(733, 505) self.centralwidget = QtWidgets.QWidget(MainWindow) self.centralwidget.setObjectName("centralwidget") self.Video_Widget = QVideoWidget(self.centralwidget) self.Video_Widget.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 0, 711, 361)) self.Video_Widget.setObjectName("Video_Widget") self.horizontalScrollBar = QtWidgets.QScrollBar(self.centralwidget) self.horizontalScrollBar.setGeometry(QtCore.QRect(0, 380, 721, 16)) self.horizontalScrollBar.setOrientation(QtCore.Qt.Horizontal) self.horizontalScrollBar.setObjectName("horizontalScrollBar") = QtWidgets.QPushButton(self.centralwidget), 410, 75, 23))"play") MainWindow.setCentralWidget(self.centralwidget) self.retranslateUi(MainWindow) QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(MainWindow) def retranslateUi(self, MainWindow): _translate = QtCore.QCoreApplication.translate MainWindow.setWindowTitle(_translate("MainWindow", "MainWindow"))"MainWindow", "play")) from PyQt5.QtMultimediaWidgets import QVideoWidget from PyQt5 import QtMultimedia class VideoWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, Ui_VideoWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): super(VideoWindow, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) self.player = QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer(self) self.player.setVideoOutput(self.Video_Widget) self.playlist = QtMultimedia.QMediaPlaylist(self.player) self.player.setPlaylist(self.playlist) self.playlist.addMedia( QtMultimedia.QMediaContent(QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile("F:/Fun/Songs/12.mp4")) ) self.playlist.setCurrentIndex(0) if __name__ == "__main__": import sys app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) w = VideoWindow() sys.exit(app.exec_())