View PNG file problem on Qt 4.8 for QNX
At loading *.png files in the program, I receive not correctly the image, the transparency doesn't work:
"On windows 7":
"On qnx 6.5":
!!I use qt 4.8 rc1 in qnx 6.5.
Library collected with following parameters:
./configure-release-opensource-xplatform unsupported/qws/qnx-i386-g-embedded x86-no-gfx-linuxfb-no-mouse-linuxtp-no-kbd-tty-no-qt3support-qt-mouse-qnx-qt-kbd-qnx-qt-gfx-qnx-depths 16,24,32, generic-no-exceptions-no-qt3support-qt-libpng-qt-libmng-qt-libjpeg-no-phononThe driver qnx works in a mode argb8888.
"download": project for qnx:
c:/QNX650/host/win32/x86/usr/bin/qmake.exe -spec c:/QNX650/target/qnx6/usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/unsupported/qws/qnx-i386-g++ -o Makefile