How to use high precision float in Qt creator ?
I wish to use arbitrary (or at least 32 bytes) floating point data type. But double is only 8 bytes. What's the simplest library that provide arbitrary precision in Qt Creator? I have tried looking for some libraries (like GMP), but they all requires lengthy manual installation process :
Edit: I use windowsThank you for reading
If you want arbitrary precision you will need an external library or write one.
Boost has a nice library for this as well. I would recommend Boost as it contains a lot more than this library. So once you go through the effort of getting it installed you get a lot more bang for the buck.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Beside the good point of @fcarney, Qt Creator is just an IDE, you don't install anything in it or for it. If you are on linux, just use the package manager of your distribution to install the development package matching the library you want to use to develop your application.