How to make qdoc of my module accessible in QT Creator?
General and Desktop
I use the below example :
to provide qt documentation out of config.qdocconf and I use qdoc tool to provide the htmls the output of qdoc is :LOG: Start qdoc for Qdoc-Example in dual process mode, LOG: No include paths passed to qdoc; guessing reasonable include paths LOG: Build & visit PCH for Qdoc-Example (qdoc) Could not find the module header in include paths for module "Qdoc-Example" (include paths: QVector() ) Artificial module header built from header dirs in qdocconf file LOG: clang not printing errors; include paths were guessed LOG: PCH built & visited for Qdoc-Example LOG: Parse source files for Qdoc-Example LOG: No include paths passed to qdoc; guessing reasonable include paths LOG: Source files parsed for Qdoc-Example /home/user/Documents/qdoc-example-test/AwesomeUIControl.qml:4: (qdoc) warning: '\brief' statement does not end with a full stop. /home/user/Documents/qdoc-example-test/AwesomeUIControl.qml:4: (qdoc) warning: Could not resolve QML import statement for type 'AwesomeUIControl' [Maybe you forgot to use the '\inqmlmodule' command?] LOG: End qdoc for Qdoc-Example in dual process mode,
And now i have html files in doc folder.
What should I do to present the documentation recognizable to QT Creator?(How to install the doc in QT in a way when user press F1 on my module the right documentation be available to her)