How to use QPainter/Paint Events without subclassing QWidget?
I am using the Ritual port of Qt5, which allows Qt5 to be used within Rust. However, due to Rust's limitations I cannot subclass QWidget. I want to create a widget that can be painted on, for instance:
let canvas_update = unsafe { Slot::new(move || { let mut painter = QPainter::new_1a(joystick_canvas); let mut painter = QPainter::new_1a(joystick_canvas); let blue = QColor::from_rgb_3a(156, 179, 255); let mut blue_pen = QPen::from_q_color(&blue); blue_pen.set_width(6); painter.set_pen_q_pen(&blue_pen); painter.draw_ellipse_4_int(5, 5, 195, 195); }) }; let my_widget = QWidget::new_0a(); my_widget.update().connect(&canvas_update);
However, an "update" slot or equivalent does not exist, as far as I can tell. Is there a way to call the Painter class outside of paint events that I do not know of?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
One possible workaround could be to paint to a QImage and then use a QLabel to show it.
I used a QPicture instead of a QImage, but using "set_picture" to assign this QPicture to the QLabel seems to work. Thank you for your help!
Great !
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