C++ and QML
Hi everyone,
I am having trouble with something that is probably so simple but I cant seem to figure it out...I have a MainWindow that is a QML object which has a child Item as a separate QML file. When I click a button on the main window, this child item becomes visible and some data is dynamically displayed inside a text item within it, which gets updated every second. The data is generated with a c++ class object that I have registered as a QML object and everything work fine...
The problem is, now I want to have access to the same data that appears in the child window and also display it in a text item on the main window....I assumed its simple and all i need to do is exactly the same i did for the child window, and that is to include the C++ registered object as a child item in the main window, but for some reason the data is not updating on the main window... any ideas why this might be happening?
I am very new to Qt so apologies for my ignorance :D
I hope what i wrote makes sense -
very hard to tell without any code 😉 can you show as the "MainWindow" file ?
an other instance of the cpp class can be a way but it may as well fail, depending on how you registered the class.
There are QML was to forward a property as well. Many ways to the desired outcome
code example will help tremendously
Yes sure, here is the snippet of the code Im using in the MainWindow:@MainWindow.qml
import IGPSData 1.1 Text { id:txtData anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 5 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 80 text: cGPSData.getGPSData() visible: true font.family: "Helvetica [Cronyx]" font.bold: true font.pixelSize: parent.width * 0.08 color: "#ffffff" } // this is the registered C++ class, CGPSData{ id: cGPSData } Connections { target: cGPSData onSigGPSDataChanged: { txtData.text= cGPSData.getGPSData() } }
I have the exact same code in the child window and that works just fine
@AB_TrP Your QML code seems strange to me, can you show the header of CGPSData?
For me, it should be something like:
class CGPSData : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(QString gpsData READ getGPSData NOTIFY gpsDataChanged) public explicit CGPSData(QObject * parent = 0); QString getGPSData() const { return m_gpsData; } void setGpsData(const QString &gpsData) { if(gpsData != m_gpsData) { m_gpsData = gpsData; emit gpsDataChanged(); } } signals: void gpsDataChanged(); private: QString m_gpsData; };
And then, in your QML
import IGPSData 1.1 // this is the registered C++ class, CGPSData{ id: cGPSData } Text { id:txtData anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: 5 anchors.top: parent.top anchors.topMargin: 80 text: cGPSData.gpsData visible: true font.family: "Helvetica [Cronyx]" font.bold: true font.pixelSize: parent.width * 0.08 color: "#ffffff" }