Qt Creator Starting and/or Compiling to the Wrong Window System on Ubuntu
Alright, I am using Gnome, and have both the packages from the repository, and the .bin downloaded and installed, however, for some reason, the shortcut on my desktop will start Qt Creator as if I'm using KDE (I have the KDE Desktop installed for compatibility with some of the applications I use) It also build to KDE when I start Qt Creator through the desktop shortcut. However, if I start Qt Creator from my applications menu, it starts with the Gnome theme, However, it compiles to KDE. Another thing I noticed, when I ran it via the shortcut on my desktop, it doesn't let me preview to GTK+ . The program I'm making is designed for the Gnome desktop. If it's compiled to any other theme, it requires a tab scroller on the tab bar, however, it doesn't need one in Gnome.
How can it start "as if it's using KDE"?
There is nothing GNOME or KDE-specific about a pure Qt app, it's just the theme that's different, and even that's not compiled into the executable.
Also, if the application is just for GNOME (not Unix/X11 in general), shouldn't you be using GTK+ instead of Qt?
it is compiled into the executable, otherwise it would start with a gnome theme when i compile it, and it's meant for gnome at this screen resolution, however at a higher resolution than 1024 by 768, which is the resolution of this screen, it is just fine. Plus it's meant to be compilable to windows and mac as well.
There was a discussion about a "similar issue":https://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/987/#4230. Is that what you are seeing as well?
yep that is what i'm experiencing, except that i am actually able to preview for gtk, but it won't build for it.
and yes mtk, i'm perfectly aware of it, and that is where your wrong, it is very much possible to build for one system or the other because the menus are accessed differently in the 2 systems, plus each has their own quarks.
[quote author="1blah111111" date="1286224715"]and yes mtk, i'm perfectly aware of it, and that is where your wrong, it is very much possible to build for one system or the other because the menus are accessed differently in the 2 systems, plus each has their own quarks.[/quote]
I'm a Linux user and I've used both GNOME and KDE, and I'm not aware of such things.
All I know is that unlike GTK+, Qt themes can radically change the behavior of the user interface, including changing what scrollbar buttons are visible and even make combo boxes look and behave differently.
Also, a pure Qt app is completely disconnected from the desktop environment (unless you're using KDE or GNOME libs).
It's not a pure Qt app. :D but the other components are buildable (or at least a compatable solution exists) on other systems.
i'm gonna try re-installing the .bin, and see if it's been fixed yet.
it hasn't fixed it.
1blah111111: As you can see "here":http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator we have created a branch for the upcoming 2.1 release and are all busy testing and stabilizing it. We still managed to come up with a "new version":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/10/06/qt-sdk-2010-05-1-for-linux-released/ for you though:-)
Huzzah! Relief from the eye pains of the CleanLooks style will be implemented as soon as it downloads.
btw 2 questions, (they'd be answered in the first post so i don't think they need their own topics :P ) if you #include a .cpp file it references that for functions right? (i've hit 1k lines in my main .cpp file so it'll be easier if i can split them up purely for organization, espicially since if i were to keep it all in one it would easily surpass 5k lines of code) also, what code would i use if i wanted to isolate and display a specific element in a QWebView?(just a snippet of code to do this is all i need) (i've tried and i keep getting errors in everything i try, since i'd have to remove all elements and i can't get it to let me remove them at the base level)
And yep that fixes all of my problems! No more eye pains! :P
1blah1+: How about openeing new threads for your new issues?
the reason i didn't open a new thread is because they aren't issues, just requests for code snippets.
[quote author="1blah111111" date="1286471462"]the reason i didn't open a new thread is because they aren't issues, just requests for code snippets.[/quote]
Better create new threads, they are far from title of this thread.
alright i will. at least, i'll put the question about isolating an element in a QWebView in a different thread, the other one still only needs a yes or no answer, (any chance i could actually get an answer to them rather than arguing over weather or not it should go in a new thread? :P )