Qt Creator Starting and/or Compiling to the Wrong Window System on Ubuntu
i'm gonna try re-installing the .bin, and see if it's been fixed yet.
it hasn't fixed it.
1blah111111: As you can see "here":http://qt.gitorious.org/qt-creator we have created a branch for the upcoming 2.1 release and are all busy testing and stabilizing it. We still managed to come up with a "new version":http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2010/10/06/qt-sdk-2010-05-1-for-linux-released/ for you though:-)
Huzzah! Relief from the eye pains of the CleanLooks style will be implemented as soon as it downloads.
btw 2 questions, (they'd be answered in the first post so i don't think they need their own topics :P ) if you #include a .cpp file it references that for functions right? (i've hit 1k lines in my main .cpp file so it'll be easier if i can split them up purely for organization, espicially since if i were to keep it all in one it would easily surpass 5k lines of code) also, what code would i use if i wanted to isolate and display a specific element in a QWebView?(just a snippet of code to do this is all i need) (i've tried and i keep getting errors in everything i try, since i'd have to remove all elements and i can't get it to let me remove them at the base level)
And yep that fixes all of my problems! No more eye pains! :P
1blah1+: How about openeing new threads for your new issues?
the reason i didn't open a new thread is because they aren't issues, just requests for code snippets.
[quote author="1blah111111" date="1286471462"]the reason i didn't open a new thread is because they aren't issues, just requests for code snippets.[/quote]
Better create new threads, they are far from title of this thread.
alright i will. at least, i'll put the question about isolating an element in a QWebView in a different thread, the other one still only needs a yes or no answer, (any chance i could actually get an answer to them rather than arguing over weather or not it should go in a new thread? :P )