Progressbar in PYQT5 with Python
Qt for Python
Dear All,
I have created a desktop application by PYQT5 and python 3.7, to download a video by clicking the download button and save it locally in the PC. The code will fetch the video link from **(lineEdit.text())** which is labeled "URL" and save it in the local directory in **(lineEdit_2.text)** which is labeled "SAVE AS". If the download stops for any reason, it will be resumed again by press the start download button. The question is, I want to connect the start button with a Progressbar and displaying the loading in percentage, from start downloading 1% to finish 100%. Please see the code below and the picture.
The code
def curl_progress(self,total, existing,upload_t,upload_d): try: frac = float(existing)/float(total) except ZeroDivisionError: frac =0 print("Downloaded %d/%d (%0.2f%%)" % (existing, total, frac)) if frac ==1.0: self.textBrowser.append("Done") exit() else: self.textBrowser.append(("Downloaded %d/%d (%0.2f%%)" % (existing, total, frac))) def curl_limit_rate(self,rate_limit): url= self.lineEdit.text() save_location = self.lineEdit_2.text() c = pycurl.Curl() #For SSL certification c.setopt(pycurl.CAINFO, certifi.where()) c.setopt(c.URL, url) c.setopt(c.MAX_RECV_SPEED_LARGE, rate_limit) if os.path.exists(save_location): file_id = open(save_location, "ab") c.setopt(c.RESUME_FROM, os.path.getsize(save_location)) else: file_id = open(save_location, "wb") c.setopt(c.WRITEDATA, file_id) c.setopt(c.NOPROGRESS, 0) c.setopt(c.PROGRESSFUNCTION, self.curl_progress) c.perform()
The picture
Many thanks in advance,
So in outline:self.pb = QProgressBar(self) self.pb.setRange(0, 100) # .... frac = float(existing)/float(total) self.pb.setValue(frac * 100)
That's the principle. I cannot recall whether
is one which updates itself without needing to go into an event loop, if not then you'll need aQCoreApplication.processEvents()
somewhere, but I suspect your "video download curl progress update" already has that so you won't need your own?