Setting Focus in floating QDockWidget
Hey, im having a issue with setting the focus to anewly created QDOckWidget thats floating.
My basic process is that I create a QDockWidget and then try to give it focus. I've found that so if it is docked in the main window then it can receive focus however as soon as i call <setFloating(true)> it will no longer be allowed to get focus.
Can anyone explain why this happens so I can understand this problem and if so how its possible to fix it.
Heres the relevant code.
// QDockWidget Constructer, called on the mouse press event DockPanel::DockPanel(QWidget *parent, QWidget * hold_widget, QString title, bool popup) : QDockWidget(parent), popup(popup) { setObjectName(title); setFeatures(QDockWidget::DockWidgetMovable); DockPanelTitle * panel_title = new DockPanelTitle(this, title); setTitleBarWidget(panel_title); setWidget(hold_widget); if (popup) { setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); setFloating(true); // it gives focus if this line is disabled but not if its active setFocus(); } } // mousePressEevent, creates the new QDockWidget and adds it to the central window, // The bottom part simply loops through my dockwidgets and attempts to give them focus to see if it works, // the docked widgets recieve focus but the floating ones do not. void WindowToolBarButton::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent * e) { QMainWindow * cw = window()->findChild<QMainWindow *>("CentralWindow"); HolderWidget * widget_a = new HolderWidget(this); QPoint m = window()->mapToGlobal(cw->pos()); DockPanel * panel_a = new DockPanel(cw, widget_a, btn_label->text(), true); panel_a->setGeometry(m.x(), m.y(), 300, cw->height()); cw->addDockWidget(Qt::RightDockWidgetArea, panel_a); cw->setFocus(); QWidget * w = qApp->focusWidget(); for (DockPanel * child : w->findChildren<DockPanel *>()) { child->setFocus(); QString s = child->objectName(); std::cout << "Widget: " + s.toStdString() + " has focus " << child->hasFocus() << std::endl; } }
Any help would be appreciated as I dont really understand why this is happening, ive included everything I though would be useful but if something else is needed please let me know.
Thanks for taking the time to look at my problem
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What version of Qt are you using ?
On what OS ? -
I assume setFloating use an internal signal or likewise since you cannot setFocus right after. ( didnt not check source)Also, since its a window, activateWindow seems better since normally
setFocus on a Dock would focus its internal widget.However, this works for me on Qt 5.12.6 win 10
dw->setFloating(true); QTimer::singleShot(0, [dw]() { dw->activateWindow(); });
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