@JonB said in QSqlTableModel:
I hope @Xilit, the OP, won't mind as it's actually useful for him to see this stuff.
Nope! Of course I don't mind! Rather I vote for this disscusion! It is really useful information. I'll read all this stuff very carefully after I read all information about model by links above. Then I'll read this comments because I never understand
properly.(( -
There are really tons of information on tutorials.))) In order not to sink there I decided to start my project from scretch and make this tutorial step by step. But now I stand at a crossroads what project architecture should I choose. I prepare one picture for you to show you what I mean.
I want to choose scheme number 6 and implement it in my project. I need universal solution to show tables from DB and lists in future. Maybe list, I'm not sure, that's why I want to create universal model (if it's possible). But for now I want to show table to user with my data from database table.
If it's not to hard for you to say what scheme (1-6) is incorrect at all and what scheme is preferable to implement in my situation.
Thank you!
Follow the chain up, QSqlTableModel is already a subclass of QAbstractTableModel.
As for the delegate, it's a QStyledItemDelegate that is used by default by the view to render the table's content.
"QStyledItemDelegate that is used by default by the view"
Yes I know that. Tutorial says that if I want to make my own view I need to reimplement
by sybclassing it. If you see what @VRonin said me to do is:
"Just subclass QStyledItemDelegate and override displayText:". So does this scheme correct?P.S. Sorry for my persistance but tommorow I start working with my project so I want to understand all the details. Thank you!
No, QStyledItemDelegate is at the view level, or maybe between the view and the model since it uses it to render something from the data in the model.
Yes it is clear. My main question is where should I connect (pass) my delegat? I created MyDelegate.cpp, describe what I want and then pass it / connect it in QSqlTableModel.cpp? That I discribed in scheme above. This is the simpliest case. Of course there is another possibility to create MyClass.cpp and pass to this class my model and delegate, but now I'm talking about simple one. If all my app is just show info from DB can I pass my delegate to QSqlTableModel.cpp?
The delegate has nothing to do directly with the model. You set the delegate on the view with setItemDelegate or one of its more precise sibling.