Qt App bundle signing error: “A timestamp was expected but was not found” for QtCore and others
Installation and Deployment
I'm creating my Qt app bundle on macOS using command
macdeployqt MyApp.app --verbose --executable=MyApp.app/Content/MacOS/MyApp -codesign=<identity>
and getting such errors for all Qt libraries:
ERROR: Codesign signing error: ERROR: "/Users/xxx/Projects/MyApp/deploy/MyAppapp/Contents/Frameworks/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore: A timestamp was expected but was not found.\n"
I can reproduce same errors if running
separatelycodesign --sign "<identity>" /path/to/Fraworks/.../5/QtCore
My certificate is a fresh generated from Apple Developer website.
What am I doing wrong and how to fix it?
What version of Qt ?
What version of Xcode ?
What version of macOS ? -
I would try to run a version of macdeployqt coming from a more recent version of Qt.