Pass enum into QML and use it in JavaScript. How?
QML and Qt Quick
class SomeClass : public QObject { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(Types type READ type WRITE setType NOTIFY typeChanged) //< public: enum class Types : int{ //< Type0 = 0, Type1 = 1, Type2 = 2 }; Q_ENUM(Types) Types type()const{ return m_type; } void setType(const Types &t){ if(m_type!=s){ m_type=t; emit typeChanged(m_type); } } signal : void typeChanged(Types t); private : Types m_type = Type0; //< }; Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(SomeClass::Types ) //<
SomeClass obj; // create class obj QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("myObj",&obj); // make it known in QML qmlRegisterType<SomeClass>("", 1, 0, "SomeClass"); // register the enum
//qml js
import 1.0 .. Image{ source : myObj.type === SomeClass.Type0 ? "/typeZeroImg/img.png" : "autherImg/img.png" }
@LeLev said in Pass enum into QML and use it in JavaScript. How?:
This forgotten for me. Thx. Issue closed.
And it's not working if it inside of Singletone class because of disabled default constructor.