Gradle flavors
I need to create android app in couple versions which differs only in icon, splash screen and main screen text. I decided to use something that I heard about in the past, that is flavors from the gradle build system. As far as I understand it is enough (except adding flavorDimensions) to add additional sourceSet like flavor1 and assign variable:
res.srcDirs = [qt5AndroidDir + '/res', 'res-flavor1']
which is by default in main sourceSet:
res.srcDirs = [qt5AndroidDir + '/res', 'res']
And it seems to be ok, as icons from folder res-flavor1 are collected and put inside an apk file in the res folder instead of previously selected ones.
Unfortunately there is a crash during startup10-24 08:13:04.297 26391 26415 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: No implementation found for boolean, java.lang.String) (tried Java_org_qtproject_qt5_android_QtNative_startQtAndroidPlugin and Java_org_qtproject_qt5_android_QtNative_startQtAndroidPlugin__Ljava_lang_String_2Ljava_lang_String_2)
I checked content of a new apk file and after comparison with original one that is working, I found out that there are exactly the same plugins, however resources.arsc file is much smaller and the part which is missing (except some binary giberish, which I do not understand) looks like this:
^^--Added-by-androiddeployqt--/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/Blend.qml:qml/QtGraphicalEffects/Blend.qml xx--Added-by-androiddeployqt--/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/BrightnessContrast.qml:qml/QtGraphicalEffects/BrightnessContrast.qml ll--Added-by-androiddeployqt--/qml/QtGraphicalEffects/ColorOverlay.qml:qml/QtGraphicalEffects/ColorOverlay.qml ... ...
So to sum up, by some strange reason if I add any flavor and copy all default values everything is ok, but if I modify resource directory, information about qmls and plugin files is not landing inside resource file. If i change default name of a resource directory from res to anything else the same thing happens.
Should I create an issue on a bug tracker or this is completely my fault?
Example code:
- Use planets qml example - Planets QML Code
- make a copy of android/res folder to android/res-flavor1
- Open project in QtCreator and in Projects/Build Android APK->Create Templates (Accept)
- Add some lines to build.gradle in android directory
flavorDimensions "resources" productFlavors { flavor1 { } } sourceSets { ... // main source set flavour1 { res.srcDirs = [qt5AndroidDir + '/res', 'res-flavor1'] } }
- Inspect apk file (resources are there, libraries are there, assets file is much smaller then before)
- Install and try to run