QPlainTextEdit Clearing Problems
Hi, This kind of hard to describe. I am working on a simple front end for NASM that has a text editor and and also a hex editor. The text editor part works fine, but when I try to clear the QPlainTextEdit for the hex editor I have problems. If I use clear() or setPlainText("") I get
inserted at the start of the page, before my header. If I just use setPlainText(header) I get the same, only the cursor is at the start of the header. The first F is only selectable if I double click the text. Backspacing on that F not only adds the text back but adds it again also. A few random clicks produces this
FFFFFFFFFFFF FFF 0 FFF FFF FFFF FFF 0 Offset 00 01 02 03 04 00000000 0 5 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 00000000 00000000
and this is what it should look like
Offset 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 00000000
The only difference is the sloppy way I format the hex editor
if(isHex) { if(ui->plainTextEdit->textCursor().positionInBlock() == 0) { int lineNumber = (ui->plainTextEdit->textCursor().blockNumber() - 1) * 16; ui->plainTextEdit->insertPlainText(QString("%1").arg(lineNumber, 8, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper()); ui->plainTextEdit->insertPlainText(" "); } if((ui->plainTextEdit->textCursor().positionInBlock() - 10) % 3 == 2) { ui->plainTextEdit->insertPlainText(" "); } if(ui->plainTextEdit->textCursor().positionInBlock() > 57) { ui->plainTextEdit->insertPlainText("\n"); } }
While bad form, I do not understand how this would cause the problems I am having.
Just an observation, because I like spotting coincidences!FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0
This is
in hex, in an 8-byte/64-bit integer.int lineNumber = (ui->plainTextEdit->textCursor().blockNumber() - 1) * 16;
ui->plainTextEdit->insertPlainText(QString("%1").arg(lineNumber, 8, 16, QChar('0')).toUpper());
This would deliver
is 0.Coincidence? :)
@jsulm said in QPlainTextEdit Clearing Problems:
@admkrk Where is this code located?
It is in a getCursorPosition() function I use to track the cursor in the status bar.
I never anticipated that it would ever read on the first line since the header takes up that line. It looks like the cursor is put back to the start before the header is inserted, after the initial time. I have been bitten like this before, but it involved when widgets were made visible.
Thanks for the good eyes JonB.