QSslSocket Test Failures (Do I have an Invalid Qt/OpenSSL Configuration?)
I have encountered 41 QSslSocket test failures after building Qt 5.12.4 and Qt 5.13 from Git with OpenSSL linked.
I believe the possible source of error could be from an invalid network-settings.h, operating system environment or incompatible configuration options. I have provided my test environment details, my build script and the 41 QSslSocket test failures below.
Could anyone help point out a possible configuration or build flaw that would cause these QSslSocket failures?
Thank you for your time and consideration.
OS: "Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
I kept the network-settings.h file the same, but changed my /etc/hosts file to include the following: qt-test-server.qt-test-net qt-test-server
#!/bin/bash ############################################################################### # Environment ############################################################################### HOME=$PWD THREADS=4 export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$HOME/openssl-install/lib" ############################################################################### # OpenSSL Setup ############################################################################### OPENSSL_QT_CONFIG="-openssl-linked -developer-build -opensource -confirm-license" OPENSSL_CONFIG="--prefix=$HOME/openssl-install --openssldir=$HOME/openssl-install" OPENSSL_INCLUDE="-I$HOME/openssl-install/include" export OPENSSL_LIBS="-L$HOME/openssl-install/lib -lcrypto -lssl" SSL_VERSION="OpenSSL" ############################################################################### # User Setup ############################################################################### echo "Choose Qt Version to build." options=("5.12.4" "5.13" "Quit") select opt in "${options[@]}" do case $opt in "5.12.4") echo "Building Qt 5.12.4" QT_VERSION="5.12.4" break ;; "5.13") echo "Building Qt 5.13" QT_VERSION="5.13" break ;; "Quit") exit 0 ;; *) echo "Unknown Option: $REPLY";; esac done echo "Building Qt $QT_VERSION with $SSL_VERSION" ############################################################################### # Build SSL Library (OpenSSL) ############################################################################### if [ ! -d "openssl" ]; then git clone git://git.openssl.org/openssl.git cd $HOME/openssl ./config ${OPENSSL_CONFIG} fi make install ############################################################################### # Configure and build Qt ############################################################################### cd $HOME if [ ! -d "qt5" ]; then git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git cd $HOME/qt5 git checkout $QT_VERSION perl init-repository fi cd $HOME/qt5 ./configure ${OPENSSL_QT_CONFIG} ${OPENSSL_INCLUDE} if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then "FAILED: Building Qt" fi make -j$THREADS
1 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::simpleConnect(WithoutProxy) Compared values are not the same 2 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::simpleConnectWithIgnore(WithoutProxy) Compared values are not the same 3 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::connectToHostEncrypted(WithoutProxy) 'socket->waitForDisconnected()' returned FALSE. () 4 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::connectToHostEncryptedWithVerificationPeerName(WithoutProxy) 'socket->waitForDisconnected()' returned FALSE. () 5 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::sessionCipher(WithoutProxy) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Connection refused) 6 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::sessionCipher(WithSocks5Proxy) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Connection to proxy refused) 7 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::sessionCipher(WithSocks5ProxyAuth) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Connection to proxy refused) 8 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::sessionCipher(WithHttpProxy) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Proxy connection refused) 9 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::sessionCipher(WithHttpProxyBasicAuth) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Proxy connection refused) 10 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::protocol(WithoutProxy) 'socket->waitForConnected()' returned FALSE. (Connection refused) 11 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::setSslConfiguration(WithoutProxy:set-root-cert) 'socket->waitForDisconnected()' returned FALSE. (Connection refused) 12 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::setSslConfiguration(WithoutProxy:secure) 'socket->waitForDisconnected()' returned FALSE. (Connection refused) 13 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::waitForConnectedEncryptedReadyRead(WithoutProxy) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Connection refused) 14 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::waitForConnectedEncryptedReadyRead(WithSocks5Proxy) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Connection to proxy refused) 15 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::waitForConnectedEncryptedReadyRead(WithSocks5ProxyAuth) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Connection to proxy refused) 16 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::waitForConnectedEncryptedReadyRead(WithHttpProxy) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Proxy connection refused) 17 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::waitForConnectedEncryptedReadyRead(WithHttpProxyBasicAuth) 'socket->waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Proxy connection refused) 18 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::verifyMode(WithoutProxy) Compared lists have different sizes. 19 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resetProxy(WithoutProxy) 'socket.waitForConnected(10000)' returned FALSE. (Connection refused) 20 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::readFromClosedSocket(WithoutProxy) 'socket->bytesAvailable()' returned FALSE. () 21 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithoutProxy:DoNotIgnoreErrors) Compared values are not the same 22 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithoutProxy:ignoreAllErrors) Compared values are not the same 23 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithoutProxy:ignoreSpecificErrors-Wrong) Compared values are not the same 24 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithoutProxy:ignoreSpecificErrors-Right) Compared values are not the same 25 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithSocks5Proxy:DoNotIgnoreErrors) Compared values are not the same 26 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithSocks5Proxy:ignoreAllErrors) Compared values are not the same 27 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithSocks5Proxy:ignoreSpecificErrors-Wrong) Compared values are not the same 28 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithSocks5Proxy:ignoreSpecificErrors-Right) Compared values are not the same 29 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithSocks5ProxyAuth:DoNotIgnoreErrors) Compared values are not the same 30 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithSocks5ProxyAuth:ignoreAllErrors) Compared values are not the same 31 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithSocks5ProxyAuth:ignoreSpecificErrors-Wrong) Compared values are not the same 32 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithSocks5ProxyAuth:ignoreSpecificErrors-Right) Compared values are not the same 33 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithHttpProxy:DoNotIgnoreErrors) Compared values are not the same 34 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithHttpProxy:ignoreAllErrors) Compared values are not the same 35 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithHttpProxy:ignoreSpecificErrors-Wrong) Compared values are not the same 36 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithHttpProxy:ignoreSpecificErrors-Right) Compared values are not the same 37 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithHttpProxyBasicAuth:DoNotIgnoreErrors) Compared values are not the same 38 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithHttpProxyBasicAuth:ignoreAllErrors) Compared values are not the same 39 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithHttpProxyBasicAuth:ignoreSpecificErrors-Wrong) Compared values are not the same 40 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::resume(WithHttpProxyBasicAuth:ignoreSpecificErrors-Right) Compared values are not the same 41 FAIL! : tst_QSslSocket::forwardReadChannelFinished(WithoutProxy) 'readChannelFinishedSpy.count()' returned FALSE.
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Don't these tests use a Docker container as test server ?
Are you using it ? -
I wasn't sure if docker was necessary for the tests and haven't set anything up for it. It looks like there is a, "qtbase/tests/testserver", directory with a docker-compose.yml file and directories for various servers (apache2, common, danted, etc..).
The "network-settings.h" file has references to those test servers (apache2, common, etc.) if QT_TEST_SERVER is defined.
For Example:
#ifdef QT_TEST_SERVER return QString("squid.") % serverDomainName(); #else return serverName(); #endif
Maybe the next step would be trying to get QT_TEST_SERVER defined and have the docker containers deployed?
Since you have the Docker-compose file, you can directly build the test server. Maybe just launch it before starting the test suit.