Scaling pixmap images in qscrollarea
After many trials and tribulations and a lot of reading, I find myself in need of assistance from gurus who have dealt with images
I am working on an application where I want to have an area that will display a variable number of images. The user will then select an image and drag it to a location on a simulated display page. The idea is to be able to position a variety of images at specific spots on multiple screen pages.
I am looking to have two or more columns of images, appropriately scaled, in a scroll area. The entire application area is resizable, therefore, as space changes in the scroll area, the columns of images may grow or shrink as applicable.
I have tried many, many different test runs working with QLabel and QPixmaps but have not found a way get them to work together nicely. Part of the issue is that I do not understand sizePolicy, QViewports, QSrollarea, sizeHint, etc., relationships.
Any help in understanding how to have scalable images displayed in a scroll area will be greatly appreciated.
Screen layout: Left size is scrollarea for images, right side is composing area.
Current Test Code:
void MainWindow::loadImages()
{#define NCOLS 2
#define MAX_WIDTH 100QDir dir = QDir(imageLibrary); QStringList allImageFiles = dir.entryList(QStringList("*.jpg")); ui->currentLibrary->setText(imageLibrary); ui->currentLibrary->setMaximumWidth(MAX_WIDTH); ui->scrollArea->setGeometry(0,0,200,200); QRect geo_availImagesGeometry = ui->scrollArea->geometry(); int width = geo_availImagesGeometry.width(); int height = geo_availImagesGeometry.height(); QWidget * viewport = new QWidget; ui->scrollArea->setWidget(viewport); ui->scrollArea->setWidgetResizable(true); QGridLayout * gl = new QGridLayout(viewport); QSizePolicy policy(QSizePolicy::Preferred, QSizePolicy::Preferred); for (int i = 0; i < allImageFiles.size(); i++) { QString thisfile = imageLibrary + "/" + allImageFiles[i]; QPixmap pixmap(thisfile); QLabel * thisImage = new QLabel(); //thisImage->setScaledContents(true); // Tried with and without this statement //pixmap.scaledToWidth(width); // Tried with and without this statement thisImage->setSizePolicy(policy); thisImage->setPixmap(pixmap.scaled(width , width, Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); thisImage->setToolTip(allImageFiles[i]); //thisImage->setText(allImageFiles[i]); // ????? Using this causes a segmentation violation gl->addWidget(thisImage, i/NCOLS, i % NCOLS); // Add at row/column in scrollarea } QRect scrollGeom = viewport->childrenRect(); // Check what ui->currentLibrary->setMaximumWidth(scrollGeom.width()); // Set width of library name to width of scroll area QList<QLabel *> vplist = viewport->findChildren<QLabel *>(); // Debug -- See what the viewport has to say about sizes ui->scrollArea->show();
What about using a QListView in icon mode with two columns ?
Yes it will scale all images to match IconSize.