QML animations on low power Intel APU (Cherry Trail) low fps
Hi guys.
My first time making a QT app.
Running in a cherry trail clear linux system using "-platform eglfs" there is no X11 nor wayland running.
I am using numberanimation in 2 text items and one image (png 1kb), besides a basic jpg background there is nothing else. Thing is, frame rate is quite poor, I would guess 15 fps.
Is there something I can do to improve the smoothness? or its the hardware just not powerful enough?
thanks in advance
@pablomuniz said in QML animations on low power Intel APU (Cherry Trail) low fps:
or its the hardware just not powerful enough?
without seeing detailed specs for the system and the openGL implementation it will be tough to answer that question.
@pablomuniz Can you show your code? Maybe something can be optimised, but without the code is impossible to say.