JNI ArrayList<String> to QAndroidJniObject
Mobile and Embedded
Hey guys, I've been looking into JNI, and for a function (sendMultipartTextMessage) I need to pass an ArrayList<String>, for which I have two doubts:
- What would the string to define the object be? java/util/arraylist is the class, however, what about the type (String) ?
- How do I turn a QList<QString> to a QAndroidJniObject? For string there's a QAndroidJniObject::fromString(), but the only other option is ::fromLocalRef<jobject> function (which I'm not very clear on usage).
From the documentation:
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qandroidjniobject.htmljobjectArray [Ljava/lang/Object;
I guess JAVA will then interprete it as each of those Objects being a String inside the ArrayList?