Disabling minimize control button on Linux (Lubuntu 18.04)
Hello there,
I am usingQt 5.12.3
and i'm try to disable a minimize window control in my application. The application can have 2 window instances. The problem is a diffrent behavior for this same flag settings onWindows
and onLinux
Lubuntu 18.04
.I'm setting flag in this way :
flags: Qt.Window | Qt.WindowTitleHint | Qt.WindowMaximizeButtonHint | Qt.WindowCloseButtonHint;
it's working properly, the minimize control is grayout and disabled.
this settings haven't any impact on this button, it's still working and have got normal color.I was also try to set flag to
to check if there will be any impact but nothing was change ( There should be left only close button)Is there any reason of this behavior? How it's any other way to disable window controls on linux?
What window manager are you using ?
Are you experiencing the same with another one ?