Building libraries(for QMYSQL driver) on new versions of NDK(r18b)
I'm new to Android development.
I need to build QMYSQL dirver for Android. I found a detailed and working guide how to do it for Android NDK r10e. The problem is that I use Qt 5.12.3 that only works with recent versions of the Android NDK, for example r18b. In this and newer versions, the file structure has been greatly changed, and now I cannot find the headers, libraries and programs I need.Here are the variables that I need to declare to successfully build all the libraries (libiconv, OpenSSL, MariaDB):
Code (Text):export ANDROID_NDK_ROOT=/c/android-ndk-r10e export SR="$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"/platforms/android-19/arch-arm export BR="$ANDROID_NDK_ROOT"/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/windows-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- export CPP="$BR"cpp export AR="$BR"ar export STRIP="$BR"strip export RANLIB="$BR"ranlib export LINKER="$BR"ld export OBJDUMP="$BR"objdump export CC="$BR"gcc export CFLAGS="--sysroot=$SR" export CPPFLAGS="$CFLAGS" export C_INCLUDE_PATH=$SR/include export ANDROID_DEV=$SR/usr export MAKEDEPPROG="$CC -M"
About problem, for example, in the $BR folder there are no more necessary compiler programs, and there are no headers in the $SR folder.
Note: $SR - "sysroot", $BR - common path to binaries in old Anroid NDK versions.Thanks for help.
(russian guide that I used: