QMenu TAB access through keyboard
I have a QMenu inside a QMenuBar as one of the components inside a QMainWindow.
I want to access the QMenu through keyboard TAB access but the TAB cycles through all the components in the QMainWIndow and skips the QMenu. I tried to set the TAB order in QMainWIndow by calling "setTabOrder" but that didn't work at all.
Here's my QMenu setup inside the QMainWindow:
QHBoxLayout *m_pMenuLayout; QMenuBar *m_pMenuBar; QMenu *m_pMenu; m_pMenuLayout->addWidget(m_pMenuBar); m_pMenuLayout->setAlignment(m_pMenuBar, Qt::AlignRight); m_pMainLayout->addLayout(m_pMenuLayout); m_pMainLayout->setAlignment(m_pMenuLayout, Qt::AlignTop);
I tried the following in my QMainWindow class:
setFocusProxy(m_pMenu); setFocusPolicy(Qt::StrongFocus); setTabOrder(m_pMenu, m_pButton); setTabOrder(m_pButton, m_pComboBox); setTabOrder(m_pComboBox, m_pMenu);
When I do this and press TAB, the focus just cycles back and forth from the QButton to the QComboBox without giving focus to QMenu.
Likely because it's not how menu are usually accessed by keyboards.
It is usually through accelerators (using the
char) and the alt key. -
Is there an example of keyboard accelerators you can point me to?
Is there anyway to override a function to add in TAB into the rotation?
In my case, the QMenu is just an icon in the top right of my main window. What I want to do is have the QMenu come into focus the first time I press TAB and then cycle through all the components on the screen every subsequent TAB press event...eventually cycling back to the QMenu.
Is there a possible way to do that?
See the QAction class details.