Get SpinBox value from qml into C++
Mobile and Embedded
I want to read a value of SpinBox inside c++ code how would I do it ?
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QGuiApplication app(argc, argv); QQmlApplicationEngine engine; engine.load(QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/main.qml"))); if (engine.rootObjects().isEmpty()) return -1; return app.exec(); }
SpinBox { id: new_slider editable: true value: 60 from: 1 to: 60 textFromValue: function(value){ return value + " min"; } }
Here are some docs on this subject:
Hi @Ahti
You can even use
public slots:
in QML, below is example.- main.cpp
MySpinBoxValue cppClass; engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("cppObject", &cppClass);
- MySpinBoxValue.h
public slots: void spinBoxQmlValue(int value);
- MySpinBoxValue.cpp
void MySpinBoxValue::spinBoxQmlValue(int value) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << value << endl; }
SpinBox { id: new_slider editable: true value: 60 from: 1 to: 60 // This is to update value when ever there is change onValueChanged: { console.log("SP_BOX_VAL FROM QML :: ", value) cppObject.spinBoxQmlValue(value); } // This is to send initial Value to QML on APP Launch. Component.onCompleted: { cppObject.spinBoxQmlValue(value); } }
Output :
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. void MySpinBoxValue::spinBoxQmlValue(int) 60 qml: SP_BOX_VAL FROM QML :: 59 void MySpinBoxValue::spinBoxQmlValue(int) 59 qml: SP_BOX_VAL FROM QML :: 58 void MySpinBoxValue::spinBoxQmlValue(int) 58 qml: SP_BOX_VAL FROM QML :: 57 void MySpinBoxValue::spinBoxQmlValue(int) 57 qml: SP_BOX_VAL FROM QML :: 58 void MySpinBoxValue::spinBoxQmlValue(int) 58 qml: SP_BOX_VAL FROM QML :: 59 void MySpinBoxValue::spinBoxQmlValue(int) 59
All the best.