problem to send a double through a TextInput
Hello everyone,
Like I said, I would like to retrieve a double from a TextInput but I retrieve only the rounded value.
I show you my code :
Rectangle{ color : "green" height : parent.height/4 width : parent.width TextInput{ id: idTextInput inputMethodHints: Qt.ImhFormattedNumbersOnly padding : 20 text: controller.value font.pixelSize: 13 font.bold: false color: "black" anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter validator: DoubleValidator{bottom: 0 ; top: 100; decimals : 3 notation: DoubleValidator.StandardNotation} onAccepted: { controller.newValuefromTextInput( parseFloat(text) ) controller.value = parseFloat(idTextInput.text) console.log("value = " + text) } } }
and the methode newValuefromTextInput from controller is :
void Controller::newValuefromTextInput(double v) { qDebug() << "value = " << v ; } Do you have an idea of the problem? Thanks
Hi @cosmoff
Code looks fine, it do print the double value in the C++
TextInput { id: idTextInput focus: true anchors.fill: parent verticalAlignment: TextInput.AlignVCenter font { pointSize: 15; bold: true; } validator: DoubleValidator { top: 100; // 100 is the maximum acceptable value (More than 100 its not acceptable & onAccepted will not be called). bottom: 0; decimals: 3; notation: DoubleValidator.StandardNotation } onAccepted: { console.log("value = " + text) cppObject.doubleValueQML(idTextInput.text) } }
- main.cpp
engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("cppObject", &cppClass);
- MyClass.h & MyClass.cpp - I am using
public slots
function toQML
public slots: void doubleValueQML(double value); void MyClass::doubleValueQML(double value) { qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << value << endl; }
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. qml: value = 100.000 void MyClass::doubleValueQML(double) 100 qml: value = 99.99 void MyClass::doubleValueQML(double) 99.99 qml: value = 99.100 void MyClass::doubleValueQML(double) 99.1 qml: value = 99.001 void MyClass::doubleValueQML(double) 99.001 qml: value = 99.999 void MyClass::doubleValueQML(double) 99.999
All the best.
thanks for your answer,
I do not understand how you code can work because you insert a string in your function MyClass::doubleValueQML(double) which need a double. So I put a parseFloat() But like I said the function seems to round the value
@cosmoff said in problem to send a double through a TextInput:
I tried both the ways, It works properly even with
onAccepted: { console.log("value = " + text) cppObject.doubleValueQML(parseFloat(idTextInput.text)) }
- Output:
QML debugging is enabled. Only use this in a safe environment. qml: value = 11.11 void MySpinBoxValue::doubleValueQML(double) 11.11 qml: value = 22.22 void MySpinBoxValue::doubleValueQML(double) 22.22 qml: value = 99.100 void MySpinBoxValue::doubleValueQML(double) 99.1 qml: value = 99.999 void MySpinBoxValue::doubleValueQML(double) 99.999
Yes I understood my problem. In fact, because of validator I cannot fill the textInput with the character ' . ' for the float like 70.5 but only 70,5 and so Qt does not understand the character ' , 'Do you have an idea why my validator do not want the character ' . '
@cosmoff said in problem to send a double through a TextInput:
Do you have an idea why my validator do not want the character ' . '
localization issues.
I know of 3 ways to solve this.
- setting the locale property appropriately:
- reimplementing valueFromText, with your own parser
- replacing the , with in your onAccepted method
onAccepted: { var modifiedText = text.replace(",",".") controller.newValuefromTextInput( parseFloat(modifiedText) ) controller.value = parseFloat(modifiedText) console.log("value = " + text) }