Unable to build QtWebengine on Raspberry Pi 3
I am trying to build QtWebengine on Raspberry Pi 3. Qt base and other components was successfully built, but when I try to run qmake in QtWebengine directory I get this:
pi@raspberrypi:~/qt5/qtwebengine$ /usr/local/qt5/bin/qmake Running configuration tests... Done running configuration tests. Configure summary: Qt WebEngine: Embedded build ......................... yes Pepper Plugins ......................... no Printing and PDF ....................... no Proprietary Codecs ..................... no Spellchecker ........................... yes Native Spellchecker .................... no WebRTC ................................. no Use System Ninja ....................... no Geolocation ............................ no WebChannel support ..................... yes Use v8 snapshot ........................ yes Kerberos Authentication ................ no Building v8 snapshot supported ......... yes Use ALSA ............................... yes Use PulseAudio ......................... no Optional system libraries used: re2 .................................. no icu .................................. no libwebp, libwebpmux and libwebpdemux . no opus ................................. no ffmpeg ............................... no libvpx ............................... no snappy ............................... no glib ................................. no zlib ................................. no minizip .............................. no libevent ............................. no jsoncpp .............................. no protobuf ............................. no libxml2 and libxslt .................. no lcms2 ................................ no png .................................. no JPEG ................................. yes harfbuzz ............................. no freetype ............................. no x11 .................................. no Required system libraries: fontconfig ........................... no dbus ................................. no nss .................................. no khr .................................. yes glibc ................................ yes Required system libraries for qpa-xcb: libdrm ............................... no xcomposite ........................... no xcursor .............................. no xi ................................... no xtst ................................. no WARNING: Thumb instruction set is required to build ffmpeg for QtWebEngine. Qt is now configured for building. Just run 'make'. Once everything is built, you must run 'make install'. Qt will be installed into '/usr/local/qt5'. Prior to reconfiguration, make sure you remove any leftovers from the previous build. pkg-config is required QtWebEngine will not be built.
are installed(the same asdbus
). What is the problem? -
Hi and welcome to devnet,
Take a look at the Required system libraries list. They are all missing.
Moreover, I run this on my system:
$ pkg-config --libs fontconfig -lfontconfig -lfreetype pi@raspberrypi:~/qt5/qtwebengine$ pkg-config --cflags fontconfig -I/usr/include/freetype2 pi@raspberrypi:~/qt5/qtwebengine$ ldconfig -p | grep fontconfig libfontconfig.so.1 (libc6,hard-float) => /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libfontconfig.so.1 libfontconfig.so (libc6,hard-float) => /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/libfontconfig.so
It looks like that with fontconfig everything should be ok...
Check the build logs, you'll see the where the errors happen.
You are also missing pkg-config.
Note that once you installed these package, you should launch configure from a clean state. The best would be to do an out of source build so you can easily nuke the build folder to start fresh.
Hence taking a look at the logs generated during the configure phase might give you the information you need about that.