Install Error : "qmake.exe -query" is not parseable?
Hi there!
When installing under Windows 7 32-bit, I receive the following errors...
The output of C:\Qt\Qt5.12.3\msvc2015_64\bin\qmake.exe -query is not parseable.
The output of C:\Qt\Qt5.12.3\msvc2017_64\bin\qmake.exe -query is not parseable.
The output of C:\Qt\Qt5.12.3\mingw73_64\bin\qmake.exe -query is not parseable.
The output of C:\Qt\Qt5.12.3\android_x86\bin\qmake.exe -query is not parseable.(and many other similar errors)
Any idea what the problem is?
This previous post by another user may help: advise!
I think development on Windows 7 is no longer supported, but I can't find any info to confim that. Try installing an older release (5.11 or previous LTS: 5.9). The documentation only states that the MinGW platform is reference one. So perhaps installation of MinGW will work.
Note: you should still be able to develop and deploy on Windows 10 and then use that deployed executable on Windows 7.
@sierdzio said in Install Error : "qmake.exe -query" is not parseable?:
I think development on Windows 7 is no longer supported,
My workstation is a Windows 7 Pro/64 Bit, and it works without any problem!
So Windows 7 is still supported, but when you use Windows 7 32 bits, you can not install 64 bit Qt Kits like MinGW 7.3.0 64bit (first screenshot), MSVC 2017 64bit (second screenshot) and MSVC 2015 64bit (third screenshot).Select only 32bit Qt Kits.
Ah, well spotted.
@KroMignon @sierdzio Thanks guys.
Yes, it does work perfectly on a 64-bit Windows 7 machine.
On my 32-bit Win 7 machine, the file I downloaded is called "qt-unified-windows-x86-3.1.1-online.exe", which seems to be a 32-bit version of the Installer.
Shouldn't this 32-bit Installer only offer me 32-bit options? I think the non-compatible options should be disabled, so no mistakes are made.
In any case, I have uninstalled, and am attempting to install again.
Please check the attached screen shot for the options I have checked. Do they appear correct for a 32-bit installation?
No it should not, because the 32bit installer can run perfectly fine in 64bit Windows installation.
The selection for Windows development is correct.
@SGaist Thank you for the reply.
The following components appear to be 32-bit, yet they still show an error message...
\Qt\5.12.3\android_x86\bin\qmake.exe -query \Qt\5.12.3\android_arm64_v8a\bin\qmake.exe -query \Qt\5.12.3\android_armv7\bin\qmake.exe -query and a slew of other Android-related errors.
Consequently, there are no Android choices on the menu after installation...
What might cause these errors?
Do you plan to deploy to Android? If no, then just skip these packages. I also doubt you need all the desktop packages you selected, you're most likely use just a single build type.
@sierdzio I would like to use Android, as well as Windows and Linux. My project involves an embedded Linux device (Raspberry Pi), as well as an Android app and Windows client which would both access and maintain the device. Why would the Android kits not install on the 32-bit machine?
@Slouch said in Install Error : "qmake.exe -query" is not parseable?:
Why would the Android kits not install on the 32-bit machine?
Apparently they were compiled using 64 bit host.
I would like to use Android, as well as Windows and Linux.
In such case I'd recommend developing for Rpi and Linux on Linux, and only do occasional Windows builds on Windows. Less hassle.
(although if your CPU is 32 bit only, you'll probably hit similar installation issues on Linux. You can, however, compile Qt yourself and it should work).
Hi Scott,
sorry for the inconvenience with the installer.
Errors related to "qmake.exe -query is not parseable" happens usually because:
- <your_qtsdk_root_dir>/5.12.3/msvc2015_64/bin/qmake.exe does not exist
- <your_qtsdk_root_dir>/5.12.3/msvc2015_64/bin/qmake.exe can not be executed
For the (1) there can be multiple reasons:
- Releasing/Packaging bug (dependencies in component .xml files -> the component is not extracted on disk prior to trying to access files (qmake.exe) from it)
- Installer-Framework bug, it failed to extract the archive (containing the qmake.exe) to disk
- insufficient disk space (installer should warn about this though)
For (2) the reasons are usually:
- directory permission issue, you can try installing with admin rights but generally this is not recommended, try to install to directory where the user has permissions
- virus scanner kicks in
- trying to install & run 64bit Qt executables on 32bit machine
Could you try to rule out the obvious ones first? If the issue persists please open a bug report with as much details as possible.
You can also check the following:
- run the installer as before
- once the error is shown by the installer do not continue/abort, just leave the session there
- open another terminal/file browser
- go to the "<your_qtsdk_root_dir>/5.12.3/msvc2015_64" directory, what files are there? If qmake.exe is there can you invoke the "qmake.exe -query"? How are the permissions for the directory and files?