How to get selected item of QTableWidget with QLabel in it
General and Desktop
In my QTableWidget, I fill some cells with QLabel by:
ui->myTableWidget->setCellWidget(1, 1, new QLabel("test"));
When I click the cells they will show as selected, but I can't seem to get the selection on them by doing:
This will return nothing even a few cells with QLabel in it are actually selected. Is there any way to go around this using QTableWidget? Thanks.
Why are you putting a QLabel in QTableWidget cell to show text since QTableWidget already shows text ?
jsulm Lifetime Qt Championreplied to Pauly on 4 Jun 2019, 07:10 last edited by jsulm 6 Apr 2019, 07:10
@Pauly You can mark an table item read-only using and setFlags()
For fonts there is