setWindowOpacity not working on linux
General and Desktop
Which Composite manager I should use for setWindowOpacity to work with X11 on linux ?
What version of Qt ?
On what distribution ?
What desktop environment ?
What composer ? -
Centos OS
Currently having "compton" -
What version of Cent OS ?
Centos 7.4
Any solution for this issue ?
Did you check the Note part in document ?Note : On X11 you need to have a composite manager running, and the X11 specific _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY atom needs to be supported by the window manager you are using.
Is this the issue in your case. ?
Yes exactly this is the issue but I am not sure which composite manager I should use and how to set atom
@Gitesh-Yeole said in setWindowOpacity not working on linux:
I don't know at what level this one works so I can't comment on what you need to modify there.