QProgressbar unresponsive with qthread
My requirement is that , i need to run the script , which will generate the n number of files, on creation of each file i need to update the progressbar .
Running the script is part of separate thread. After script starts running , i am using QFileSystemWatcher to moniter the files has been created, if created i will increment the progress bar accordingly.
Qprogressbar is not updating when script is executing, Please help me how can i implement this.
Something in your code is wrong then. How can anyone help if we have no idea what your code looks like? Have you tried getting a minimal example, presumably without needing file watchers etc., working in a separate thread, so that you have something simple to start from to get working? -
Hi @meganathan ,
can u post the code which u tried and the progressbar value will increase based on value provided to progressbar, check do u have provided the value for progressbar?.
@JonB said in QProgressbar unresponsive with qthread:
How can anyone help if we have no idea what your code looks like? Have you tried getting a minima
FelixThread *ansysThread = new FelixThread(tempDirPath,ansysPath,felixMutex);
ansysThread->wait();this ansys thread will run my script ,
Inside thread run()QProcess *process = new QProcess();
process->start(""" + ansysPath1 + "" -b -i get_node_results.mac -o output.out");
process->waitForFinished(-1);In constructor
QFileSystemWatcher *watcher = new QFileSystemWatcher(this);
watcher->addPath(QString(getenv("TEMP"))+"/Felix");QObject::connect(watcher,SIGNAL(directoryChanged(const QString &)),this,SLOT(directoryChanged(const QString &)));
My question is , when ansysThread is started, does ansysthread->wait() blocks the progress bar update or process->waitforfinished(-1) is blocking the main GUI thread to update
I don't even see anyQProgressBar
anywhere. I don't know if you have one, and even if you do where it is and which thread updates it. Maybe you & I have different expectations about what information you need to supply to ask a question/get an answer. Perhaps someone else can answer without knowing this. -
Sorry ,forget to update that part.
ProgressBarWidget = new QWidget();
// ProgressBarWidget->setStyleSheet("");labell1 = new QLabel("Execution progress"); ExecutionProgress = new QProgressBar(); QLabel *warningLabel= new QLabel("Do not modify Ansys files"); QPalette palette = warningLabel->palette(); palette.setColor(warningLabel->backgroundRole(), Qt::white); palette.setColor(warningLabel->foregroundRole(), Qt::red); warningLabel->setPalette(palette); QVBoxLayout *vLayoutt3 = new QVBoxLayout(); vLayoutt3->addWidget(labell1); vLayoutt3->addSpacing(3); vLayoutt3->addWidget(ExecutionProgress); vLayoutt3->addSpacing(5); vLayoutt3->addWidget(warningLabel); vLayoutt3->addStretch();
Inside directorychangePart():
for(int i=0;i<list1.size();i++)
strFileName = list1.at(i).fileName();
if(strFileName.startsWith("R") && alreadyExecuted==false && QString::compare(strFileName,alreadyExecutedFilename)!=0)
alreadyExecuted = true;
alreadyExecutedFilename = strFileName;
currentVal = ExecutionProgress->value()+progressVal;
else if(strFileName.contains("loadstep") && QString::compare(strFileName,alreadyExecutedloadset)!=0 && bExtractedFiles== true)
loadstepFound = true;
alreadyExecutedloadset = strFileName;
setNumberofRFiles(); //this will read the fileCount1
progressVal = 15/fileCount1;
} -
@meganathan said in QProgressbar unresponsive with qthread:
FelixThread *ansysThread = new FelixThread(tempDirPath,ansysPath,felixMutex);
ansysThread->wait();My question is , when ansysThread is started, does ansysthread->wait() blocks the progress bar update or process->waitforfinished(-1) is blocking the main GUI thread to update
yes it does
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qthread.html#wait -
well, yes, the finished signal
https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qthread.html#finished -
I tried like this
QEventLoop loop;
connect(ansysThread, SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(onQProcessFinish()));finished() signal emits before Qthread::run() completes the execution. Hot to approach this, if i use ansysthread->wait() it blocks the main GUI thread.. So please suggest any other suggestion.
@meganathan said in QProgressbar unresponsive with qthread:
QEventLoop loop;
connect(ansysThread, SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(onQProcessFinish()));Why do you block your thread with
It should beconnect(ansysThread, SIGNAL(finished()),this,SLOT(onQProcessFinish())); ansysThread->start();
@meganathan Why do you need to wait? If you wait you block the waiting thread - and then you complain that the thread is blocking and progress bar not updating?! And if you want to wait then what is the point to use threads?
You get the finished() signal when it is finished and can do whatever needs to be done when the thread finishes.
Qt is asynchronous and you should avoid waiting for something. Learn how to program in an asynchronous way else there is no point to use Qt or threads. -
@meganathan Again: you know when the thread finishes - you get the finished() signal. So, why don't you simply connect a slot to that signal and process in that slot?
By the time thread emits finished() signal, all my remaining things that to done(after script execution) are already executed. This makes no sense. By using QEventloop can we block the until thread emits finished() signal.? -
@meganathan as a rule of thumb,
if you're using QEventLoop or QProcessEvents, you're doing something wrong(95% chance).
@meganathan said in QProgressbar unresponsive with qthread:
all my remaining things that to done(after script execution) are already executed
Then do all these things in the slot connected to finished() signal as I already suggested.
"By using QEventloop can we block the until thread emits finished() signal.?" - you can, but then your progress bar will not update which was your first question in this thread, right? And if you anyway want to block, then why do you want to use threads? I don't see the point... -
#ifndef SUBTHREAD_H #define SUBTHREAD_H #include <QObject> #include <QThread> class SubThread : public QThread { Q_OBJECT public: explicit SubThread(QObject *parent = nullptr); protected: virtual void run()override; signals: void status(int stat); public slots: }; #endif // SUBTHREAD_H
#include "subthread.h" #include <QTime> SubThread::SubThread(QObject *parent) : QThread(parent) { } void SubThread::run() { QTime t; t.start(); while(t.elapsed() < 10000){ if(t.elapsed() % 100 == 0) emit status(t.elapsed()/100); } }
#include <QApplication> #include <QProgressBar> #include "subthread.h" int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); QProgressBar bar; bar.show(); SubThread myThread; QObject::connect(&myThread, &SubThread::status, &bar, &QProgressBar::setValue); QObject::connect(&myThread, &SubThread::finished, &a, &QApplication::quit); myThread.start(); return a.exec(); }
while(t.elapsed() < 10000){
Now, you doubtless know more than I about threads, because I don't use them. But I don't get this approach. It looks like you're spinning an awfully busy loop. It's true than your main thread will run uninterrupted, but half the CPU will be executing this all the time/your mobile battery is going to drain, no? Could you explain?
This is why the OP is asking about
etc. Does aQThread
run its own event loop? Does it exit when it gets to end ofrun()
or does it have to be terminated explicitly?