Invalid operands to binary expresion
this is the error when I'm trying to compile this... Why do I get it?? What do I do wrong?
the header file
#ifndef ATPDATATYPES_H #define ATPDATATYPES_H #include <QMap> #include <QString> #include <QDataStream> struct atpMessage { // atpMessage() {} //TODO atpMessage QString userId; QString userPassword; QString device; QString module; QList<QMap<QString, QString>> tblData; }; QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &out, const atpMessage &mesaj) { out << mesaj.userId << mesaj.userPassword << mesaj.device << mesaj.module << mesaj.tblData; return out; } QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &in, atpMessage &mesaj) { in >> mesaj.userId >> mesaj.userPassword >> mesaj.device >> mesaj.module >> mesaj.tblData; // = (int)id; // movie.releaseDate = date; return in; } #endif // ATPDATATYPES_H
somewhere in the program that is including the header file
QMap<QString, QString> testMap1; atpTcpMesaj.device = "Raspberry Pi"; atpTcpMesaj.module = "AlarmClock"; atpTcpMesaj.userId = "andrei"; atpTcpMesaj.userPassword = "parola"; atpTcpMesaj.tblData.append(testMap1); qDebug() << atpTcpMesaj; // that is the line that give the error.... Invalid operands to binary expresion ///// atpwidgetalarmclock.cpp:28: error: no match for ‘operator<<’ (operand types are ‘QDebug’ and ‘atpMessage’) qDebug() << atpTcpMesaj;
what it can be?? how to make my struct qDebug-able??
add a text format method to your atpMessage class, that returns a QString. QDebug won't know how to output adhoc classes. You need to provide the formatted string containing the relevant information about the object.
@arsinte_andrei See
"Writing Custom Types to a Stream" chapter.
You need to overload operator<< -
@Kent-Dorfman if I return everything in QString then when I will use the operator << it won't work - and I need it to work in order to be able to send it as a stream over a TCP network
You implemented the QDataStream operator, what @jsulm wrote (that can be found in the documentation he linked) is that you have to implement the QDebug stream operator for your class.
Many thanks... after looking a bit more in depth I've just understood how the things have to be done...
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const atpMessage &mesaj) { QDebugStateSaver saver(debug); debug.nospace() << '(' << mesaj.userId << ", " << mesaj.userPassword << ", " << mesaj.device << ", " << mesaj.module << ", " << mesaj.tblData << ')'; return debug; }
that solved my problem...
Many thanks... -
@arsinte_andrei said in Invalid operands to binary expresion:
f I return everything in QString then when I will use the operator << it won't work - and I need it to work in order to be able to send it as a stream over a TCP network
you misunderstand.
If you write a QString atpMessage::toString() {} method then qdebug << message.toString() will work, or, as @jsulm wrote you can overload the operator<<() for your class and QDebug will be able to handle it natively. Either will work, but I prefer my classes to use toString() as I don't like overloading << for types other than where the target is std::ostream...I know...I know...very java-esque.
@arsinte_andrei said in Invalid operands to binary expresion:
Many thanks... after looking a bit more in depth I've just understood how the things have to be done...
incidentally, if you go with overloading << then by all mean, pass QDebug by reference!
@Kent-Dorfman I've understood your point but unfortunately for me, to have a function that will return strings will be un proper and also not a Qt style... I work with Qt so I want to do it Qt like... In Qt, if you have a type .toString then you will find also .fromString (or number in case of QString). Thanks to anyway... I've sorted it out ..