App TRK on NOKIA 5800 over BLUETOOTH
Hi everybody!
I cannot use App Trk (Version 3.2.7 / TRK API Version 3.6) with a bluetooth connection.
I get the following message when I try to establish connection on the device:
Error connecting socket
Error Code: -34
Also, QtCreator (version 2.0.1) does not show any Com port available for connecting the device. However, the device is connected to Nokia Pc Suite (or Nokia Ovi Stuite over Bluetooth) and both application works fine over Bluetooth.
Note that the connection with QtCreator is perfect if using USB connection (App Track can connect, and the support for remote debugging is also working).
Does somebody can tell me what could be wrong with my Bluetooth connection ?
Thank in advance for the attention you will pay to my question.
(The current firmware version running on my 5800 is V 51.0.006)
I have read that TRK debugger is not available from QT SDK 1.1.3 or newer. So only SDK 1.1.2 will work with the TRK debugger. I also recall seeing that the bluetooth debugging is not supported (not 100% sure).
Correct me if i'm totally wrong. Or did you mean a last "sub" release of 1.1.2 ?
HAHA not just a little bit late with this post :D