Wait until slot end to continue program execution
Hello, I'm working on a CanBus API. I 'm storing received data from my device in a QStringList. There i connect the signal QCanBusBusFrame::Received frame to a slot processFrame.
The problem is when i read the QStringList in my main function it is empty. Seconds after it is filled.
Here is my connection and code:void DevicesManagement::processReceivedFrames() { if(!m_device) return; while (m_device->framesAvailable()) { const QCanBusFrame frame = m_device->readFrame(); m_receivedFrames.append(frame.payload().toHex()); set_deviceProfile(frame.payload().toHex().right(8).toUpper()); } emit processOver(); qDebug()<<get_deviceProfile(); disconnect(); }
And i connected my slot to the signal like this:
connect(m_device, &QCanBusDevice::framesReceived, this, &DevicesManagement::processReceivedFrames);
And there is my main
int main (int argc, char * argv []) { QGuiApplication app (argc, argv); QQmlApplicationEngine engine (&app); registerQtQmlTricksUiElements (&engine); registerQtQmlTricksSmartDataModel (&engine); DevicesManagement *manager=new DevicesManagement(&engine); QList<QObject*>mDeviceList; manager->initializeDevices("125000"); manager->deviceProfileProcess(); qDebug()<<manager->get_deviceProfile(); engine.load (QUrl ("qrc:///splash_power.qml")); return app.exec (); }
The problem is that my slot processReceivedFrames is not over yet when i read my frame. Therefore it is empty.
Anyone got an idea to solve that issue? -
@Babs said in Wait until slot end to continue program execution:
Do you mean it is empty here?
@Babs here is what i do next in my main
int main (int argc, char * argv []) { QGuiApplication app (argc, argv); QQmlApplicationEngine engine (&app); registerQtQmlTricksUiElements (&engine); registerQtQmlTricksSmartDataModel (&engine); DevicesManagement *manager=new DevicesManagement(&engine); QList<QObject*>mDeviceList; manager->initializeDevices("125000"); manager->deviceProfileProcess(); qDebug()<<manager->get_deviceProfile(); CanOpenDevice *dev1=new CanOpenDevice(23,manager->get_deviceProfile(),&engine); mDeviceList.append(dev1); qmlRegisterType<CanOpenDevice>("com.device",1,0,"CanDevice"); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("mManager",manager); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("mModel",QVariant::fromValue(mDeviceList)); engine.load (QUrl ("qrc:///splash_power.qml")); return app.exec (); }
@Babs You're trying to program synchronously using an asynchronous framework. You really should do it in an asynchronous way. Using signals/slots. Connect a slot in CanOpenDevice to a signal in DevicesManagement which is emitted when the list is filled.
lambdas are your friend ;-)
QObject::connect(manager, &DevicesManagement::devicesReady, &engine, [&engine, & mDeviceList](QStringList list)->void{ qDebug()<< list; CanOpenDevice *dev1=new CanOpenDevice(23, list,&engine); mDeviceList.append(dev1); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("mManager",manager); engine.rootContext()->setContextProperty("mModel",QVariant::fromValue(mDeviceList)); }); engine.load (QUrl ("qrc:///splash_power.qml")); return app.exec ();
should work, fine.
But it's untested.