Android App icons. How?
Mobile and Embedded
Hello all!
Trying to add application icons into Qt project. Been following this topic. It's appeared in manifest files:<?xml version="1.0"?> <manifest package="org.qtproject.example" xmlns:android="" android:versionName="1.0" android:versionCode="1" android:installLocation="auto"> <application android:hardwareAccelerated="true" android:name="" android:label="-- %%INSERT_APP_NAME%% --" android:icon="@drawable/icon">
But it's not appearing when I am deploying it into device. What am I missing?
Possible some code in *.pro file? -
The cause of it found. The sequence of actions should be:
- follow instructions that is published in topic
- add icons to your project in "res" directory (I am using [project_root]/platforms/android and inside of it all that should be deployed to Android device)
- add this directory like "ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR" in *pro file
# ---------------------------------------- # Android Configuration android { DISTFILES += \ platforms/android/AndroidManifest.xml \ platforms/android/build.gradle \ platforms/android/gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.jar \ platforms/android/gradle/wrapper/ \ platforms/android/gradlew \ platforms/android/gradlew.bat \ platforms/android/res/values/libs.xml ANDROID_PACKAGE_SOURCE_DIR = $$PWD/platforms/android }