modeless QDialog passes mouse click event to its parent
some brief example lines of code would be helpful. This is my first project with Qt + OpenCV, I barely know programming model concepts of Qt and the terminology to do a good google
I have some QWidget as a main window, when its button clicked, the pop-up window shown up with an image (similar to cv::imshow). I am thinking this can be done by a modeless QDialog containing a QLabel to show the image (elsewhere has shown how to convert cv::Mat to Qt-compatible)? I expect QDialog also has mouse event
How to pass the mouse event (clicked position) to the parent QWidget? since main processing flow is in this widget to update the processed image and shown again in the QDialog
Hi and welcome to devnet,
What exactly would you like to pass back to the main window from that dialog ?
I think these posts can help you: -
Then add a signal to your dialog that you will emit when needed from your mouse move event.