Compiling QT 4.7.0 for Windows Mobile 6 Professional runs in linker error
with final release of Qt 4.7 I tried to configure and compile it with my Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK, but this doesn't work. after running nmake I always get linker errors with QSSLSocket and I have no idea how to fix it. Maybe anyone can help me.
I tried to compile a shadow build for mobile, so I downloaded and installed the Qt 4.7 for VS2008 version. I have also installed latest version of Active Perl and all updates for Visual Studio 2008. Then installed the Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK.
For configuring and compiling I performed following steps:
@set PATH=C:/Qtmobile6-release-shared/bin;%PATH%
C:/Qt4.7.0/configure.exe -platform win32-msvc2008 -xplatform wincewm60professional-msvc2008 -release
set INCLUDE=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/ce/include;C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Mobile 6 SDK/PocketPC/Include/Armv4i
set LIB=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/ce/lib/armv4i;C:/Program Files (x86)/Windows Mobile 6 SDK/PocketPC/Lib/Armv4i
set PATH=C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0/VC/ce/bin/x86_arm;%PATH%
setcepaths wincewm60professional-msvc2008 && nmake
*Please replace slashes with backslashes!
@So please tell me what is wrong. I tried to compile as static, as release, as debug, with parameter -no-openssl... but with no success. Is there any guide I can follow, or any workaround? With Qt 4.6.3 it worked very well with my input. I am running Windows 7 64-bit as host system if anyone cares.
Greez zyclop
Here is a little snipped frome the error-message I have received (german!):
qabstractsocket.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: void __cdecl QSslSocket::setSocketOption(enum QAbstractSocket::SocketOption,class QVariant const &)" (?setSocketOption@QSslSocket@@QAAXW4SocketOption@QAbstractSocket@@ABVQVariant@@@Z)" in Funktion ""public: void __cdecl QAbstractSocket::setSocketOption(enum QAbstractSocket::SocketOption,class QVariant const &)" (?setSocketOption@QAbstractSocket@@QAAXW4SocketOption@1@ABVQVariant@@@Z)".
qabstractsocket.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: class QVariant __cdecl QSslSocket::socketOption(enum QAbstractSocket::SocketOption)" (?socketOption@QSslSocket@@QAA?AVQVariant@@W4SocketOption@QAbstractSocket@@@Z)" in Funktion ""public: class QVariant __cdecl QAbstractSocket::socketOption(enum QAbstractSocket::SocketOption)" (?socketOption@QAbstractSocket@@QAA?AVQVariant@@W4SocketOption@1@@Z)".
qabstractsocket.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: void __cdecl QSslSocket::setReadBufferSize(__int64)" (?setReadBufferSize@QSslSocket@@QAAX_J@Z)" in Funktion ""public: void __cdecl QAbstractSocket::setReadBufferSize(__int64)" (?setReadBufferSize@QAbstractSocket@@QAAX_J@Z)".
qabstractsocket.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: void __cdecl QSslSocket::abort(void)" (?abort@QSslSocket@@QAAXXZ)" in Funktion ""public: void __cdecl QAbstractSocket::abort(void)" (?abort@QAbstractSocket@@QAAXXZ)".
qabstractsocket.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: bool __cdecl QSslSocket::flush(void)" (?flush@QSslSocket@@QAA_NXZ)" in Funktion ""public: bool __cdecl QAbstractSocket::flush(void)" (?flush@QAbstractSocket@@QAA_NXZ)".
qabstractsocket.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: bool __cdecl QSslSocket::waitForConnected(int)" (?waitForConnected@QSslSocket@@QAA_NH@Z)" in Funktion ""public: bool __cdecl QAbstractSocket::waitForConnected(int)" (?waitForConnected@QAbstractSocket@@QAA_NH@Z)".
qabstractsocket.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: bool __cdecl QSslSocket::waitForDisconnected(int)" (?waitForDisconnected@QSslSocket@@QAA_NH@Z)" in Funktion ""public: bool __cdecl QAbstractSocket::waitForDisconnected(int)" (?waitForDisconnected@QAbstractSocket@@QAA_NH@Z)".
....libQtNetwork4.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 31 nicht aufgelöste externe Verweise. -
have you solved your problem?
I want to code for windows mobile 65 and I don't know what to do.
I own VS2005 but I don't want to use it
I want to have a clean solution with Qt.
I know that I need MSSDK and Qt, but I'm not sure if I need to have VS or not.Would you please be kind enough and tell me what to do?