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    3 Posts

    @sierdzio said in QMouseEvent::pos() returns different values on different OS:

    No, it is not related to the style selected. I checked on Windows and it has no shift on Windows Vista, Windows and Fusion.

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    6 Posts


    OK found that Wayland just doesn't allow to windows to move themselves.

    Not a necessary feature for me and can't solve the black screen problem when logging with Xorg.
    Will just ask gnome to center new windows with tweaks.

    Closing the topic.

    Thanks to both you.

  • 0 Votes
    5 Posts

    thank you, you were absolutely right.

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    13 Posts

    You have (for unknown reason) placed a button at row #5 column #6 and spanning 5 rows and 2 columns. It's not going to make much sense, is perhaps not what you intend, and will move around when you place other widgets on the grid layout.

    I know nothing about "In the gray square there should have been a cube. that I opened",

    The second shot shows about what I expect when you didn't use any layout. If the 3 lines of text there were deliberate you would need to put them into the layout now if you expect to see them.

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    2 Posts

    The above move is superflous so don't do it. Simply hide and show without repositioning the window. window managers and decoractions make the kind of move you are trying ambiguous.

    If you must explicitly position the window then do move() before the initial show and always use that location, understanding that it won't be accurate (because the window manager decorations are not part of the wiget's geometry.

    This is the price you pay for a plethora of plug-in widow managers with different capabilities and styles.

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    10 Posts

    It is as follows:
    Pic 3 with these long spacers contains complex widgets MechPartWidget presented in pic 4. You can see a tiny selection above the 2nd vertical spacer
    Then, in MechPartWidget there are no layouts/widgets with vertical horizontal policy set to expanding.
    Next, in the MechPartWidget there is a custom widget InventoryWidget. I tried to add QVBoxLayout to it, several widgets, and then a vertical spacer - and I expect this own-added layout would be honoured only inside boundaries of InventoryWidget, yet it isn't.

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    4 Posts

    Yep , fixed !!

    Biggest achievement of ma layf.


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    2 Posts

    Upgrading to 5.6 solved my issue.

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    16 Posts

    @guidupas, Thanks for this post,
    I am in same situation , did you find any result for this, I am in same problem for android and ios both development.
    Please can you guide me if you have some work around.

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    5 Posts

    If you're still struggling with this if possible try sharing a real piece of the code. It might be something trivial that doesn't show up in the example (which looks fine). Or at least a MWE that reproduces the problem, since I could not run your example, since it's not complete.

    Kind regards.

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    2 Posts

    Hi I dont know about mouse coors
    but Just wanted to make sure you saw
    Diagram Scene Example
    in case you could borrow stuff from that.

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    8 Posts

    I wonder if there is something secret I missed in some Doc.

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    6 Posts

    I do not understand last question. I do not see any problem with mapping which rely on the item bounding rectangle.

    You can have an infinite number of visually the same graphics items if you use different combination of position and bounding box parameters.

    For example if you create QGraphicsEllipseItem using following rectangle/position pairs you will get the same result on the screen?
    pair 1:
    QRectF rect1( 0, 0, 1., 2 );
    QPointF pos1(10.,20.);
    pair 2:
    QRectF rect1( 10,20, 1., 2 );
    QPointF pos1(0.,0.);

    Which way to define depends on your needs.

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    5 Posts
    Chris KawaC

    You can't get a position of your window inside that window's constructor because it doesn't have one yet.
    The window manager of your OS gives your window a position when it is first shown (or if you explicitly called move() before).
    The window is shown when you call on it show()or any of the related functions like showMaximized().

    After the window is shown you can get the window position including window frame with pos() and without the window frame with geometry().topLeft().

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    4 Posts

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