So for some reason when I take out this from within the constructor of Mainwindow.cpp
try {
// Create an instance.
mongocxx::instance inst{};
// Connection string
const auto uri = mongocxx::uri{uriString};
// Setup the connection and get a handle on the database.
mongocxx::client conn{uri};
mongocxx::database db = conn["TestDB"];
// Grabbing the collection
col = db["TestCol"];
catch(const std::exception& e) {
// Handle errors.
std::cout<< "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;
then move it to the MainWindow.h header file, like this
std::string uriString = "<uriConnectionString>";
const mongocxx::uri uri = mongocxx::uri{uriString};
mongocxx::instance inst{};
mongocxx::client conn{uri};
mongocxx::database db = conn["TestDB"];
mongocxx::collection col = db["TestCol"];
it works...not sure why, so if someone who has more experience than myself has any input, please let me know I would love to see an explanation or thought process behind it. Otherwise this is what worked for me, hope it can help someone if they are stuck as well.