qt6 qt creator acceptTouchEvents on x11 ubuntu
can these code solve problem?
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.16) project(MyTouchApp) # Find required Qt modules find_package(Qt6 REQUIRED COMPONENTS Core Gui Widgets) # Add the executable add_executable(MyTouchApp main.cpp MyWidget.cpp) # Link Qt libraries target_link_libraries(MyTouchApp PRIVATE Qt6::Core Qt6::Gui Qt6::Widgets) # Optional: Add libinput find_package(PkgConfig REQUIRED) pkg_check_modules(LIBINPUT libinput) if(LIBINPUT_FOUND) target_include_directories(MyTouchApp PRIVATE ${LIBINPUT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(MyTouchApp PRIVATE ${LIBINPUT_LIBRARIES}) endif() # Optional: Add evdev pkg_check_modules(LIBEVDEV libevdev) if(LIBEVDEV_FOUND) target_include_directories(MyTouchApp PRIVATE ${LIBEVDEV_INCLUDE_DIRS}) target_link_libraries(MyTouchApp PRIVATE ${LIBEVDEV_LIBRARIES}) endif()
but is not a solution .... I try to build on qt6 calculator example and touch work without any issue ..... so try to built a gui-test-project (perhaps without select any touch attribute ..... and set all as a desk app) with some button .... and on mainwindows touch work good ..... so no issue on touch and qt6. Problem is obviusly generated in some strange way from my app .... strange because using mouse click all work perfect on my app .... anly touch not work responsive (sometime if try to press a button ... nothing appens ... animation of button too .... but if use mouse all work everitime). .... my app have multiple page based on tab widget .... and sometime on bottom of one button there are an other invisible and disable ..... maybe these that generate these issue .... but need to investigate better ....
I have a function that scan a long list of input and output (100 + 100 more or less) than change "state" of some widget on my gui .... that function work based on a timer start from gui with time of 100ms .... can be these that generate my problem? I think not because with mouse all work perfectly ...... my function work on qt5 perfectly with mouse or with touch .... only qt6 version have problem with touch ..... about these it may be that this further explanation could help someone come up with an idea that would help me solve the rather boring problem... I've been wasting my time on it for 2 months now.
@gfxx said in qt6 qt creator acceptTouchEvents on x11 ubuntu:
I have a function that scan a long list of input and output (100 + 100 more or less) than change "state" of some widget on my gui ....
How long does this function take to execute?
I ran a whole series of tests (using a long test GUI in qt6 with a lot of command and launch from qtcreator GUI) and discovered that, in reality, Qt6 works well with mouse, keyboard, and touch in every condition.
Problem: my Qt6 application is launched by another program and acts as its GUI... ONLY in this case, the touch does not work properly.Now, I tried creating a launch bash script where I write:
export QT_LOGGING_RULES="qt.qpa.input=true"
and then launch the application, which in turn opens the GUI in Qt6... In this case, the touch works fine.Why? How can I include a command in my application to define this rule?
seems real solution is to obligate QT6 to use Xinput2 install by default on modern ubuntu/mint SO. For these you must use "qputenv" command in your main. The exact command can share more late ... not remember and not avaiable now.
..... update ...
qputenv("QT_XCB_NO_XI2", "0"); // Ensure Qt uses XInput2 for touch input
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