Help, How to fix the bug of "cannot load library 'xxx\QtQuick3D\qquick3dplugin.dll"?
I got a problem, is "plugin cannot be loaded for module 'QtQuick3D'; Cannot load library 'xxx\QtQuick3D\qquick3dplugin.dll'" when open .exe which devolepment by Qt5.15.
But I really have this dll in my application path.
The application install on Windows platform.
I add QDataVisualization 1.3/1.15 in my qml file.
There is any friends can help me? -
@andrewaiyaya Run your app after setting QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS env variable and check output for more details. See
@jsulm The prompt message is "Cannot load library 'mypath/qquick3dplugin.dll' or 'mypath/datavisualizationqml2.dll'" after set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS in Windows 10 system environment variables, but I find this .dll in my path.
This problem bring after import QtDataVisualization 1.15 and use Surface3D, Surface3DSeries and HeightMapSurfaceDataProxy to show the gray value of all pixel in an image. -
I fixed this problem.
I lost some Qt5Quick3D dll in my application path. this dll need use windeployqt to run qquick3dplugin.dll in cmd. -