QGiS Windows Source Build
You can not mix visual studio and mingw libraries. Either compile all with msvc or use QGIS compiled against mingw.
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@jsulm said in QGiS Windows Source Build:
\ in the paths
used the abovew as path and still I get
@xanthas said in QGiS Windows Source Build:
27 different errors like
@xanthas said in QGiS Windows Source Build:
still I get
Then please read what @Christian-Ehrlicher wrote.
i have tried it and it is giving me 179 errors and I can't find any relative help from other forums as well.
@xanthas said in QGiS Windows Source Build:
i have tried it and it is giving me 179 errors
What did you "try"?
If @Christian-Ehrlicher is correct here with:You can not mix visual studio and mingw libraries. Either compile all with msvc or use QGIS compiled against mingw.
trying harder won't solve your problem :)
Either switch to MSVC or find another, MinGW supporting, version of QGIS.
So what I have understood is that when I download all dependencies and build QGiS from source, I should either use Qt to compile and build libraries or else I should use visual studio to build and compile it, right?
Further, to make the UI and backend codes I should use the same compiler from which I had made the QGiS library, Am I right?What I have understood is the same thing discussed here also, I guess.
@xanthas said in QGiS Windows Source Build:
Qt and visual studio are two completely different things.
Qt is a C++ framework, Visual Studio is a IDE.
What @Pl45m4 wrote is: you should use MSVC as compiler + Qt built with MSVC.
Or you find (or build by yourself) QGIS built with MinGW + Qt built with MinGW.
Reason: you cannot mix different C++ compiler (like you do now: MSVC + MinGW). -
can you give me step by step procedure to integrate qgis project in qt to show map in qt C++
i am also facing same issue @jsulm -
@abhishek999 said in QGiS Windows Source Build:
can you give me step by step procedure
In the first post in this thread there is a link to a step by step explanation, follow it...
i am facing prolem
here is my .pro file
QT += core guigreaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets
CONFIG += c++17
You can make your code fail to compile if it uses deprecated APIs.
In order to do so, uncomment the following line.
#DEFINES += QT_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_BEFORE=0x060000 # disables all the APIs deprecated before Qt 6.0.0
mainwindow.cppHEADERS +=
mainwindow.hFORMS +=
mainwindow.uiInclude QGIS headers and libraries manually
INCLUDEPATH += C:\OSGeo4W\apps\qgis-qt6-dev\include
LIBS += C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis-qt6-dev/lib/qgis_3d.lib
C:/OSGeo4W/apps/qgis-qt6-dev/lib/qgis_server.libINCLUDEPATH += C:/OSGeo4W64/include
Default rules for deployment.
qnx: target.path = /tmp/$${TARGET}/bin
else: unix:!android: target.path = /opt/$${TARGET}/bin
!isEmpty(target.path): INSTALLS += target -
@jsulm @Christian-Ehrlicher
can you please tell me what exact is the problem i have reinstall qt ,Qgis ,OSGeo4W multiples time but still same problem i am facing -
You still doing the same thing as in your first post - you use a Qt compiled for MinGW and try to link it against a QGis compiled against MSVC. This will not work out - no matter how often you install something...
can you give me the steps to fix this @Christian-Ehrlicher
@abhishek999 Again: you have to use Qt built with MSVC compiler. So, install Qr for MSVC and use it...
@abhishek999 Currently what I am doing is that rebuilding QGiS using MSVC
If I get anything relevant and the steps starts to works
I will share it here
Please do the same (sharing it here) if you get anything or procedure that has to be followed -
@Christian-Ehrlicher Surprisingly who you just replied is not the OP :) but they are making, or were making the same mistake.
here is the kit that i have selcted
![Screenshot (12).png]
and i am getting this error @jsulm @Christian-Ehrlicher
@abhishek999 Please post errors as text, not pictures.
You should search for the first error or post the whole build log here as text. -
You posted just this and I tried to answer in your annoying post at https://forum.qt.io/topic/159740/qt-creator-and-qgis-integration-problem/2. But you have ignored that. So in addition to calling everyone out by name there to answer your question you then don't respond to answers there and have another topic running with same question here, and people answer in one place and don't know you are making them also answer in another. Do you see how irritating this for people trying to respond to you?