Porting QML emoji picker project to 100% C++ Widgets
I am interested in doing an "emoji picker" similar to the one shown in the image
this is from an open source project
and the QML is simple as
import QtQuick 2.15 import QtQuick.Controls 2.5 import QtQuick.Layouts 1.3 import EmojiModel 1.0 Item { id: container property var editor property EmojiModel model property var categories: ['Smileys & Emotion', 'People & Body', 'Animals & Nature', 'Food & Drink', 'Activities', 'Travel & Places', 'Objects', 'Symbols', 'Flags'] property var searchModel: ListModel {} property bool searchMode: false property int skinColor: -1 function changeSkinColor(index) { if (index !== skinColors.current) { skinColors.itemAt(skinColors.current + 1).scale = 0.6 skinColors.itemAt(index + 1).scale = 1 skinColors.current = index container.skinColor = index } } function refreshSearchModel() { searchModel.clear() var searchResult = model.search(searchField.text, skinColor) for (var i = 0; i < searchResult.length; ++i) { searchModel.append({path: searchResult[i]}) } } ColumnLayout { anchors.fill: parent RowLayout { id: categoriesRow Layout.preferredWidth: parent.width - 15 Layout.preferredHeight: 35 Layout.leftMargin: 5 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter spacing: searchField.widthSize > 0 ? 7 : 17 clip: true Image { id: searchIcon source: 'icons/search.svg' sourceSize: Qt.size(21, 21) visible: !container.searchMode MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: { container.searchMode = true searchField.widthSize = categoriesRow.width - 25 list.model = 1 searchField.focus = true } } } Image { id: closeIcon source: 'icons/close.svg' sourceSize: Qt.size(21, 21) visible: container.searchMode MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: { container.searchMode = false searchField.widthSize = 0 list.model = container.categories searchField.clear() } } } TextField { id: searchField property int widthSize: 0 Layout.preferredWidth: widthSize Layout.preferredHeight: 28 visible: widthSize > 0 ? true : false placeholderText: 'Search Emoji' Behavior on widthSize { NumberAnimation { duration: 400 } } background: Rectangle { radius: 10 border.color: '#68c8ed' } onTextChanged: { text.length > 0 ? container.refreshSearchModel() : container.searchModel.clear() } } Repeater { id: cateIcons property var blackSvg: ['emoji-smiley.svg', 'emoji-people.svg', 'emoji-animal.svg', 'emoji-food.svg', 'emoji-activity.svg', 'emoji-travel.svg', 'emoji-object.svg', 'emoji-symbol.svg', 'emoji-flag.svg'] property var blueSvg: ['emoji-smiley-blue.svg', 'emoji-people-blue.svg', 'emoji-animal-blue.svg', 'emoji-food-blue.svg', 'emoji-activity-blue.svg', 'emoji-travel-blue.svg', 'emoji-object-blue.svg', 'emoji-symbol-blue.svg', 'emoji-flag-blue.svg'] property int current: 0 model: 9 delegate: Image { id: icon source: 'icons/' + cateIcons.blackSvg[index] sourceSize: Qt.size(20, 20) MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: { if (cateIcons.current !== index) { icon.source = 'icons/' + cateIcons.blueSvg[index] cateIcons.itemAt(cateIcons.current).source = 'icons/' + cateIcons.blackSvg[cateIcons.current] cateIcons.current = index } list.positionViewAtIndex(index, ListView.Beginning) } } } Component.onCompleted: { itemAt(0).source = 'icons/' + cateIcons.blueSvg[0] } } } ListView { id: list Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.fillHeight: true model: container.categories spacing: 30 topMargin: 7 bottomMargin: 7 leftMargin: 12 clip: true delegate: GridLayout { id: grid property string category: container.searchMode ? 'Search Result' : modelData property int columnCount: list.width / 50 property int sc: grid.category === 'People & Body' ? container.skinColor : -1 columns: columnCount columnSpacing: 8 Text { Layout.fillWidth: true Layout.preferredHeight: 20 text: grid.category color: Qt.rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) font.pixelSize: 15 horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignLeft leftPadding: 6 Layout.columnSpan: grid.columnCount != 0 ? grid.columnCount : 1 Layout.bottomMargin: 8 } Repeater { model: container.searchMode ? container.searchModel : container.model.count(grid.category) delegate: Rectangle { property alias es: emojiSvg Layout.preferredWidth: 40 Layout.preferredHeight: 40 radius: 40 color: mouseArea.containsMouse ? '#e6e6e6' : '#ffffff' Image { id: emojiSvg source: container.searchMode ? path : container.model.path(grid.category, index, grid.sc) sourceSize: Qt.size(30, 30) anchors.centerIn: parent asynchronous: true } MouseArea { id: mouseArea anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: { var tag = "<img src = '%1' width = '20' height = '20' align = 'top'>" container.editor.insert(container.editor.cursorPosition, tag.arg(emojiSvg.source)) } } } } } onContentYChanged: { var index = list.indexAt(0, contentY + 15) if (index !== -1 && index !== cateIcons.current) { cateIcons.itemAt(index).source = 'icons/' + cateIcons.blueSvg[index] cateIcons.itemAt(cateIcons.current).source = 'icons/' + cateIcons.blackSvg[cateIcons.current] cateIcons.current = index } } } RowLayout { Layout.preferredHeight: 35 Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignCenter spacing: 10 Repeater { id: skinColors property var colors: ['#ffb84d', '#ffdab3', '#d2a479', '#ac7139', '#734b26', '#26190d'] property int current: -1 model: 6 delegate: Rectangle { id: colorRect Layout.preferredWidth: 30 Layout.preferredHeight: 30 Layout.bottomMargin: 3 radius: 30 scale: 0.65 color: skinColors.colors[index] Behavior on scale { NumberAnimation { duration: 100 } } MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent cursorShape: Qt.PointingHandCursor onClicked: { container.changeSkinColor(index - 1) if (container.searchMode) { container.refreshSearchModel(); } } } } Component.onCompleted: { itemAt(0).scale = 1 } } } } }
Would it be possible to have the same effects in 100% C++? It shows effects like an input text expanding for search, rounded text edits, etc
Unfortunately, there is not an automatic conversion tool from QML to C++, except for this one I found, but was not able to compile it, it uses an old Qt version
You should take a look at the Graphics View Framework.
@SGaist thanks
this simple program loads an SVG
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { QApplication app(argc, argv); QGraphicsScene scene; QGraphicsView view(&scene); view.show(); QString path = qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/1f0cf.svg"; QSvgRenderer renderer(path); QGraphicsSvgItem* item = new QGraphicsSvgItem(); item->setSharedRenderer(&renderer); scene.addItem(item); return app.exec(); }
Is there a way to display this in a layout (like QGridLayout)
using addWidget or similar -
@Pedro-Vicente there is a setPos(x, y); function
for (int row = 0; row < nbr_rows; ++row) { for (int col = 0; col < nbr_cols; ++col) { int x = col * (item_width + item_space); int y = row * (item_height + item_space); QString path = qApp->applicationDirPath() + "/1f0cf.svg"; QGraphicsSvgItem* svgItem = new QGraphicsSvgItem(path); svgItem->setPos(x, y); scene.addItem(svgItem); } }
@Pedro-Vicente said in Porting QML emoji picker project to 100% C++ Widgets:
Is there a way to display this in a layout (like QGridLayout)
using addWidget or similar -
@SGaist said in Porting QML emoji picker project to 100% C++ Widgets:
You should take a look at the Graphics View Framework.
What about using QQuickWidget instead? That seems like the saner choice to me.
@Pedro-Vicente Is the 100 C++ Widgets an ideological requirement or is it so it can be used in QWidgets?
Also why is the linked projects using SVGs instead of a proper font kinda baffles me.