Qt6 integration of 3dconnexion spacemouse devices
Hello everyone, hope this finds you well.
I have been wondering if there are any updates regarding qt integration of the spacemouse sdk.
I found this old post https://forum.3dconnexion.com/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=4968 but all the source code files are not present anymore and I don't think I'm skilled enough to rewrite it given the information present in the forum (here's the updated link to the post https://www.codegardening.com/post/2011/2011-02-05-using-the-3dconnexion-mouse-with-a-qt-application/) and honestly it looks strange to me that Qt has not yet made any integration packages for 3d connexion devices.
I have tried the basic windows way using window handlers but I can't make it work (no input read) as soon as I pass the handler to the qMainWindow as HWND(mainWindow.winId()), while it works fine if I create a dedicated window to read the data.
Could you please give me some suggestions or point me to some resources?
Hi and welcome to devnet,
You should use the way back machine to access the archived version of that page.
@LTartarini I used the same example zip file and only had to tweak a little bit to make it run on Qt 5.15.2.
First they split up QObject::setEventFilter into setEventFilter and setNativeEventFilter. We need the latter one. This requires making the Mouse3DInput class a subclass of QAbstractNativeEventFilter
class Mouse3DInput : public QObject, public QAbstractNativeEventFilter { ... }
Now we have to move the implementation of the original bool Mouse3DInput::RawInputEventFilter(void* msg, long* result) function into the definition of the QAbstractNativeEventFilter::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, qintptr *result) override.
class Mouse3DInput : public QObject, public QAbstractNativeEventFilter { Q_OBJECT public: Mouse3DInput(QWidget* widget); ~Mouse3DInput(); //we have to make it non static and public to match the virtual function bool nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *result) override; ... }
//Mouse3DInput.cpp bool Mouse3DInput::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *message, long *result) { if (gMouseInput == 0) return false; MSG* msg = (MSG*)(message); if (msg->message == WM_INPUT) { HRAWINPUT hRawInput = reinterpret_cast<HRAWINPUT>(msg->lParam); gMouseInput->OnRawInput(RIM_INPUT,hRawInput); if (result != 0) result = 0; return true; } return false; }
In the constructor we can use our new filter.
Mouse3DInput::Mouse3DInput(QWidget* widget) : QObject(widget) { fLast3dmouseInputTime = 0; InitializeRawInput((HWND)widget->winId()); gMouseInput = this; qApp->installNativeEventFilter(this); }