how to display korean characters in qt/qml app on web?
Hi ! I have made UI of my app with qml, if I compile it with mingw or msvc as a pc app korean characters display well .But if I compile with webAssembly to run it as a webapp,korean characters can't be displayed in the browser. So if there someone who can help me I would really appreciate
Hi and welcome to devnet,
How are you setting the font used for your application ?
I think you have the same problem as displaying Chinese characters , that is, you need to manually load the Korean font file. I'm not sure if newer versions of Qt have solved this problem, if you see your Korean characters not displayed then that's the problem.
Add the ttf file to qrc, then load it in the main function, and set the default font correctly, you can solve this problem
Note that the font file may be very large, and you need to cut it according to the common characters list. The MiSans Chinese font I used is 8mb in its entirety, but only 1.5mb after cutting
You should check what is happening using FontLoader's status