Symbian static libraries on Qt project.
I developed a static library on Carbide for my symbian projects. Now i want to import it to my Qt project on QtCreator IDE.
On .pro file we must set something like:
LIBS += -lLibTest.lib
INCLUDEPATH += "INCLUDES_PATH"But I must set the LibTest.lib on "\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\release\armv5\urel". Can I have a specific folder for my libraries?
I tried to use the "absolute path" the -L"path" etc.. but nothing worked. On .mmp file appears the "STATICLIBRARY LibTest.lib" but when I compiled the project shows a error that the "LibTest.lib" no exists.
Is there some qmake command (supported by QtCreator) implementing this feature?
Pedro -
This is a rather old question, I'm however currently struggling with the same problem with Qt 4.7.4 on Symbian Anna target. Is there a possibility to add a custom path for static libraries?