How can I add custom widget to QListView?
Show your paint() code,
you probably don't use option.rect to get the right position. -
Here is my paint():
void OperationWidgetDelegate::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index) const { if(!index.isValid()) { return; } painter->save(); if(option.state & QStyle::State_Selected) { painter->fillRect(option.rect,option.palette.highlight()); } OperationWidget* widget =<OperationWidget*>(); QRect boundRect = QRect(0,00,275,70); painter->setPen(QPen(Qt::black,0.5,Qt::SolidLine)); painter->drawRect(boundRect); QRect operationNameRect = QRect(0,10,275,70); QRect operationToolsRect = QRect(10,40,275,70); QRect operationTimeRect = QRect(-10,40,275,70); QFont bold("Roboto",10); bold.setBold(true); painter->setFont(bold); painter->setPen(Qt::black); painter->drawText(operationNameRect,Qt::AlignTop | Qt::AlignHCenter,widget->GetOperationName()); painter->drawText(operationToolsRect,Qt::AlignLeft,QString::number(widget->GetToolsQuantity())+ " [szt.]"); painter->drawText(operationTimeRect,Qt::AlignRight,QString::number(widget->GetOperationTime())+ " [min.]"); }
@BushyAxis793 said in How can I add custom widget to QListView?:
QRect boundRect = QRect(0,00,275,70);
You must set the origin with option.rect.
Look at the Y position : qDebug()<<option.rect.y();see an example Here
I think you need to implement sizeHint() as well.
As @SGaist noted, your code is confusing :)
Can you post a skech of what you want to do, is it a single list of text cells ?
Let me describe as simply as I can. I have added a QListWidget in the main window of my program. I created a new class called OperationWidget, which inherits from QWidget. It has all the methods and variables it needs. In an additional QDialog window, I set the parameters of the OperationWidget object and then add it to QListWidget. I can add and remove items from QListWidget, but I cannot change the position of the items. So I have to use QListView + OperationWidgetModel + OperationWidgetDelegate. I have never worked with models and delegates, but I know there is no other way. I want the whole thing to look like the QListWidget.
#ifndef OPERATIONWIDGET_H #define OPERATIONWIDGET_H #include <QWidget> namespace Ui { class OperationWidget; } class OperationWidget : public QWidget { Q_OBJECT public: explicit OperationWidget(QWidget *parent = nullptr); ~OperationWidget(); void SetOperationName(const QString&); QString GetOperationName()const; void SetWorkplaceName(const QString&); QString GetWorkplaceName()const; void SetToolQuantity(const int&); int GetToolsQuantity()const; void SetOperationTime(const double&); double GetOperationTime() const; void SetOperationDescription(const QString&); QString GetOperationDescription()const; void SetPreparationAndCompletionTime(const int&); int GetPreparationAndCompletionTime()const; void SetWorkplaceNumber(const QString&); QString GetWorkplaceNumber()const; void SetWorkplaceCost(const int&); int GetWorkplaceCost()const; void SetUnitTime(const int&); int GetUnitTime()const; void LoadToolTip(); private: Ui::OperationWidget *ui; QString operationName; QString workplaceName; int toolsQuantity; double operationTime; QString operationDescription; int preparationAndCompletionTime; QString workplaceNumber; int workplaceCost; int unitTime; }; #endif // OPERATIONWIDGET_H
#include "operationwidget.h" #include "ui_operationwidget.h" #include <QFrame> OperationWidget::OperationWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::OperationWidget) { ui->setupUi(this); } OperationWidget::~OperationWidget() { delete ui; } void OperationWidget::SetOperationName(const QString &name) { operationName = name; ui->operationNameLabel->setText(name); } QString OperationWidget::GetOperationName() const { return operationName; } void OperationWidget::SetWorkplaceName(const QString &name) { workplaceName = name; } QString OperationWidget::GetWorkplaceName() const { return workplaceName; } void OperationWidget::SetToolQuantity(const int &tools) { toolsQuantity = tools; ui->toolsQuantityLabel->setText(QString::number(tools)+ " "+"[szt.]"); } int OperationWidget::GetToolsQuantity() const { return toolsQuantity; } void OperationWidget::SetOperationTime(const double &time) { operationTime = time; ui->timeOperationLabel->setText(QString::number(GetOperationTime())+ " "+ "[min.]"); } double OperationWidget::GetOperationTime() const { return operationTime; } void OperationWidget::SetOperationDescription(const QString &description) { operationDescription = description; } QString OperationWidget::GetOperationDescription() const { return operationDescription; } void OperationWidget::SetPreparationAndCompletionTime(const int &tpz) { preparationAndCompletionTime = tpz; } int OperationWidget::GetPreparationAndCompletionTime() const { return preparationAndCompletionTime; } void OperationWidget::SetWorkplaceNumber(const QString &number) { workplaceNumber = number; } QString OperationWidget::GetWorkplaceNumber() const { return workplaceNumber; } void OperationWidget::SetWorkplaceCost(const int &cost) { workplaceCost = cost; } int OperationWidget::GetWorkplaceCost() const { return workplaceCost; } void OperationWidget::SetUnitTime(const int &unitT) { unitTime = unitT; } int OperationWidget::GetUnitTime() const { return unitTime; } void OperationWidget::LoadToolTip() { this->setToolTip("Nazwa stanowiska: "+GetWorkplaceName()+"\n"+ "Nazwa operacji: "+GetOperationName()+ "\n"+ "Numer stanowiska: "+GetWorkplaceNumber()+"\n"+ "Koszt stanowiska: "+QString::number(GetWorkplaceCost())+ " [zł]"+"\n"+ "Czas przygotowawczy: "+QString::number(GetPreparationAndCompletionTime())+" [min.]"+"\n"+ "Czas jednostkowy: "+QString::number(GetUnitTime())+" [min.]"+"\n"+ "Ilość narzędzi: "+QString::number(GetToolsQuantity())+"\n"+ "Czas operacji: "+QString::number(GetOperationTime())+" [min.]"+"\n"+ "Opis operacji: "+GetOperationDescription()); }
QListWidget in mainwindow:
Put simply. I want to add my own widget to the QListView.
As written in the documentation and here as well: setCellWidget should only be used to show some static content not as a replacement of a properly implemented delegate.
There's no need for that widget of yours unless it's an editor.
You really should take the time to build a proper model to store your data. It will be a table of some sort. Which you can use with a QListView.
Basically, your delegate will have to pull the data from the model when drawing. You will essentially have to position the text properly. There really isn't more to it than that.
I found the solution. The problem was in paint(). Now it looks much better
Thanks everyone for help!
Unfortunatelly, I found another issue. In slot when I add my widget to list:
void QueriesCreator::ReceiveOperationData(QString workplaceName, QString operationName, int tools, double time, QString description,int tpz, QString number, int cost, int unitT) { OperationWidget* operationWidget = new OperationWidget(new QWidget); operationWidget->SetWorkplaceName(workplaceName); operationWidget->SetOperationName(operationName); operationWidget->SetToolQuantity(tools); operationWidget->SetOperationTime(time); operationWidget->SetOperationDescription(description); operationWidget->SetPreparationAndCompletionTime(tpz); operationWidget->SetWorkplaceNumber(number); operationWidget->SetWorkplaceCost(cost); operationWidget->SetUnitTime(unitT); operationWidget->LoadToolTip(); model.AddItem(operationWidget); }
As you can see I call LoadToolTip() method:
void OperationWidget::LoadToolTip() { this->setToolTip("Nazwa stanowiska: "+GetWorkplaceName()+"\n"+ "Nazwa operacji: "+GetOperationName()+ "\n"+ "Numer stanowiska: "+GetWorkplaceNumber()+"\n"+ "Koszt stanowiska: "+QString::number(GetWorkplaceCost())+ " [zł]"+"\n"+ "Czas przygotowawczy: "+QString::number(GetPreparationAndCompletionTime())+" [min.]"+"\n"+ "Czas jednostkowy: "+QString::number(GetUnitTime())+" [min.]"+"\n"+ "Ilość narzędzi: "+QString::number(GetToolsQuantity())+"\n"+ "Czas operacji: "+QString::number(GetOperationTime())+" [min.]"+"\n"+ "Opis operacji: "+GetOperationDescription()); }
But I can see any tooltip when I move cursor over widget. How can I enable it? Any ideas?
A delegate does not handle tooltips, you should return them through the model for the