Alarm Information
Now dead mobile extensions had such API XQAlarms, see .
I don't see why this thing cannot be done with native code. -
Use the API's for the N8 directly? Qt is still just C++, so there is no reason why you can't link against platform specific libraries containing API for such things. If you feel like you don't want to lock yourself in on that platform, create some abstraction yourself and keep your platform dependent implementation separate from your main code, so it is easy to replace for use on another platform.
Mobile Extensions is not Qt Mobility. As I said the Mobile Extensions project is dead, it never was supported by official release of Qt for Symbian. I mentioned it so that you can use it as reference how to implement Alarm API. You do need to write native code.
error: Source object \NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\epoc32\release\ARMV5\udeb\alarmclient.lib(alarmclient{000a0000}-5.o) has EABI version 2, but target \NokiaQtSDK\Symbian\SDK\EPOC32\BUILD\myapp\MYAPP_0XEE653D4F\GCCE\udeb\MYApp.exe has EABI version 4
I am getting this error on creating a wrapper API for Alarm & building it in Qt.
Any idea about this?