Using QtSql.QSqlQuery() and where to search for a string in a table
@PythonQTMarlem said in Using QtSql.QSqlQuery() and where to search for a string in a table:
Yes, I'm missing the quotation marks before and after suchstring.
I know Java, C# and Python
Sorry, but then you do know how to put quotation marks into a Python literal string. It's also the same in C#, Java & C++.
Do you want to show us your relevant code now? With the correctSELECT
, then what do you do after thequery.exec()
to check its result and read any rows returned? -
I found out. Here my solution:
import os import sys from PyQt6 import QtGui, QtSql from PyQt6.QtSql import QSqlDatabase, QSqlQueryModel from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QWidget, QApplication, QFormLayout, QTableView, QPushButton, QMessageBox, QLineEdit from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt, qDebug class FensterKlasse(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "telefonnummern_verwaltung.db") db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE') db.setDatabaseName(filename) if self.table_model = QSqlQueryModel() # Datenbank-Anzeigen self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung`") self.tabellengrid = QTableView() self.tabellengrid.setModel(self.table_model) # Spaltenüberschriften anpassen self.table_model.setHeaderData(1, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, "Vorname") self.table_model.setHeaderData(2, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, "Nachname") self.table_model.setHeaderData(3, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, "Telefonnummer") # Spaltenbreiten anpassen self.tabellengrid.setColumnWidth(0, 2) self.tabellengrid.setColumnHidden(0, True) self.tabellengrid.setColumnWidth(1, 100) self.tabellengrid.setColumnWidth(2, 150) self.tabellengrid.setColumnWidth(3, 130) self.GUI() return def GUI(self): self.setWindowTitle("PyQt6 Telefonnummer-Verwaltung mit Datenbank") self.setGeometry(0, 0, 500, 500) qtRectangle = self.frameGeometry() centerPoint = QtGui.QGuiApplication.primaryScreen().availableGeometry().center() qtRectangle.moveCenter(centerPoint) self.move(qtRectangle.topLeft()) self.suchefeld = QLineEdit(self) self.suche_starten_button = QPushButton("&Suche starten", self) self.suche_starten_button.clicked.connect(self.suche_starten) formLayout = QFormLayout() formLayout.addRow(self.tabellengrid) formLayout.addRow(self.suchefeld, self.suche_starten_button) self.setLayout(formLayout) def suche_starten(self): suchwert = self.suchefeld.text() if suchwert == '': self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung`") else: self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung` where nachname='" + suchwert + "'") def programm_beeden(self): QApplication.instance().quit() app = QApplication([]) fenster = FensterKlasse() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(app.exec())
The problem is that the result set is not editable. I still have to find out how to search and edit at the same time. But my question in this thread is solved!
To be able to make updates to a table you will want to change fromQSqlQueryModel
. -
@JonB said in Using QtSql.QSqlQuery() and where to search for a string in a table:
Thank you. But its not so easy.
on this code:self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM telefon_verwaltung")
I got the errormessage:
TypeError: setQuery(self, QSqlQuery): argument 1 has unexpected type 'str'Now I try a typecast:
self.table_model.setQuery(QSqlQuery("SELECT * FROM telefon_verwaltung"))
The application crashed with:
Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)Can you please tell me what I have to do?
If you are going to use
read the docs at setQuery(self, QSqlQuery): argument 1 has unexpected type 'str'
I do not know why you got this.
@JonB said in Using QtSql.QSqlQuery() and where to search for a string in a table:
Thank you, but the errormessage stays.
self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROMtelefon_verwaltung
TypeError: setQuery(self, QSqlQuery): argument 1 has unexpected type 'str'Here my whole code:
import os import sys from PyQt6 import QtGui, QtSql from PyQt6.QtSql import QSqlDatabase, QSqlQueryModel, QSqlTableModel, QSqlQuery from PyQt6.QtWidgets import QWidget, QApplication, QFormLayout, QTableView, QPushButton, QMessageBox, QLineEdit from PyQt6.QtCore import Qt, qDebug class FensterKlasse(QWidget): def __init__(self): super().__init__() filename = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "telefonnummern_verwaltung.db") db = QSqlDatabase.addDatabase('QSQLITE') db.setDatabaseName(filename) if self.table_model = QSqlTableModel() self.table_model.setTable("telefon_verwaltung") # Datenbank-Anzeigen self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung`") self.tabellengrid = QTableView() self.tabellengrid.setModel(self.table_model) # Spaltenüberschriften anpassen self.table_model.setHeaderData(1, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, "Vorname") self.table_model.setHeaderData(2, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, "Nachname") self.table_model.setHeaderData(3, Qt.Orientation.Horizontal, "Telefonnummer") # Spaltenbreiten anpassen self.tabellengrid.setColumnWidth(0, 2) self.tabellengrid.setColumnHidden(0, True) self.tabellengrid.setColumnWidth(1, 100) self.tabellengrid.setColumnWidth(2, 150) self.tabellengrid.setColumnWidth(3, 130) self.GUI() return def GUI(self): self.setWindowTitle("PyQt6 Telefonnummer-Verwaltung mit Datenbank") self.setGeometry(0, 0, 500, 500) qtRectangle = self.frameGeometry() centerPoint = QtGui.QGuiApplication.primaryScreen().availableGeometry().center() qtRectangle.moveCenter(centerPoint) self.move(qtRectangle.topLeft()) self.suchefeld = QLineEdit(self) self.suche_starten_button = QPushButton("&Suche starten", self) self.suche_starten_button.clicked.connect(self.suche_starten) formLayout = QFormLayout() formLayout.addRow(self.tabellengrid) formLayout.addRow(self.suchefeld, self.suche_starten_button) self.setLayout(formLayout) def suche_starten(self): suchwert = self.suchefeld.text() if suchwert == '': self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung`") else: self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung` where nachname='" + suchwert + "'") def programm_beeden(self): QApplication.instance().quit() app = QApplication([]) fenster = FensterKlasse() if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(app.exec())
@PythonQTMarlem said in Using QtSql.QSqlQuery() and where to search for a string in a table:
Thank you, but the errormessage stays.
And that's because you retained the old statement in other places, so of course you will get the same error message. Look at the line number(s) the error is reporting.
when I delete this line:self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung`")
The Application starts, but shows no table.
When this executed:
if suchwert == '': self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung`") else: self.table_model.setQuery("SELECT * FROM `telefon_verwaltung` where nachname='" + suchwert + "'")
the Application crashed with this errormessage:
Process finished with exit code -1073740791 (0xC0000409)There is some other things wrong.
if self.table_model = QSqlTableModel() self.table_model.setTable("telefon_verwaltung")
Now I see tabledatas.
But as soon as I run a SQL query, the application crashes! -
you will
. It's all in the docs on the page I suggested you read. [UPDATE I see now you have done this.]But as soon as I run a SQL query, the application crashes!
I don't know why it is crashing or why you are running a SQL query. And you can't run an arbitrary query against a
. You asked for an editable table, and that is what it gives you. -
yes, please read above.
I have the solution:
def suche_starten(self): suchwert = self.suchefeld.text() if suchwert == '': self.table_model.setFilter("") else: self.table_model.setFilter("nachname like '" + suchwert + "'")