Customize QProgressBar for Batterylevel Indicator in Mobile
You can do it the following way:
void Dialog::Battery()
//deviceInfo=new QSystemDeviceInfo();deviceInfo=new QSystemDeviceInfo(this); connect(deviceInfo,SIGNAL(batteryLevelChanged(int)),this,SLOT(batteryLevelChanged(int))); batteryLevelChanged(deviceInfo->batteryLevel());
void Dialog::batteryLevelChanged(int nValue)
QString myStyleSheet = " QProgressBar::chunk {"
" background-color: ";if(30 >= nValue) { myStyleSheet.append("red;"); } else if(80 >= nValue) { myStyleSheet.append("yellow;"); } else { myStyleSheet.append("green;"); } myStyleSheet.append(" width: 10px;"\ " margin: 0.5px;"\ " }"); ui->progressBar->setStyleSheet(myStyleSheet);
@I'm not sure, what you tried to change with your code, but it was not related to the given example...
EDIT: the code is just created from Docs, not tested in real life... (Gerolf)
This kind-of works for me:
void MainWindow::battStatusChanged(int percent)
QString c = "green";
if(percent < 30)
c = "yellow";
else if(percent < 10)
c = "red";QString myStyleSheet = QString(" QProgressBar::chunk { background: %1; }").arg(c); qDebug() << "Battery=" << percent << " --> " << myStyleSheet; ui->progressBar->setStyleSheet(myStyleSheet); ui->progressBar->setValue(percent);
@The overall styling needs some love, though it demonstrates how it works.
Hi imrrk,
I tried my code, and it works, here is the complete code and the screen shots:
Widget::Widget(QWidget parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QVBoxLayout pLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
setLayout(pLayout);QSlider* pSlider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, this); pLayout->addWidget(pSlider); pProgressBar = new QProgressBar(this); pLayout->addWidget(pProgressBar); pProgressBar->setRange(0, 100); pSlider->setRange(0, 100); pSlider->setValue(70); batteryLevelChanged(70); pProgressBar->setTextVisible(false); connect(pSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(batteryLevelChanged(int)));
void Widget::batteryLevelChanged(int nValue)
QString myStyleSheet = " QProgressBar::chunk {"
" background-color: ";if(30 >= nValue) { myStyleSheet.append("red;"); } else if(80 >= nValue) { myStyleSheet.append("yellow;"); } else { myStyleSheet.append("green;"); } myStyleSheet.append(" width: 10px;"\ " margin: 0.5px;"\ " }"); pProgressBar->setStyleSheet(myStyleSheet);
@! progress bar)!
! progress bar)!
! progress bar)! -
hi ,Gerolf..thanks for ur code..but I want the color to be changed at runtime..when i charge the battery full in device..the color should be green..when the battery is less charged its must be yellow and finally red for very low battery...but in your example..its changing with respect to slider..
imrrk -
hi imrrk,
where is the difference if the slot batteryLevelChanged(int) is called because the slider is moved or you get a signal from somewhere else? It is changed at runtime, signal/slot IS runtime. It's just a different source for the signal.
to use your code example, you could do:
@and then set the progress bar from you slot as I did.